The Planted Trees

A Journal Collective

The Planted Trees: A Journal Collective is an experiment in unity and bonding through creative expression for a scattered Stanford community.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis of historic proportions, and it will be a defining experience of our lives.

In that spirit, we created this project to enable everyone's experiences—however difficult, mundane, perplexing, or absurd—to be a part of the historical narrative.

We welcome entries from the broader Stanford community, including students, staff, professors, alumni, and affiliates. Please express yourself however you like: in prose, poetry, image, video, audio, or even crossword. If you're not sure what to share, we will release weekly ideas that you’re welcome to respond to.

We encourage you to participate in this experience with us, enjoy entries from other community members, and contribute as much as you’d like. Feel free to share anonymously, or with your name. Sign up for our weekly newsletter below.

We will showcase contributions on this (public) website and Instagram account (@stanfordplantedtrees).

*Note, The Planted Trees team decided to wind down the project in mid-June 2020, so we are no longer accepting new submissions, but we encourage you to check out all of the wonderful entries we received before then!