Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"Humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also for those of others." Philippians 3-4


Be sure to join us for the Blessing of Pets on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 1:30pm on the steps of the church. 

The Sunday evening Mass has now a part of our community's opportunities for Sunday worship. Please join us at 5:00pm on Sunday evenings in addition to our scheduled times of 4:00pm on Saturdays and 9:00am and 11:00am on Sundays. 

Pastoral Letter by Fr. Sergio Romo, Pastor

"It takes a village to raise a faith community." 

They say, “It takes a village to raise a child.” The underlying truth in this statement is that any child’s development and well being is not solely the responsibility of parents. Of course, parents have the greatest share of that burden, but it also needs to be shared by others; extended family, teachers, faith communities, etc. This cooperative approach can clearly be seen in one of our most recent developments at Saint Andrew.

Over the summer a lot of activity has been taking place on the south west corner of our school. To begin, an underground storage tank was extracted. It was important that we did it for the sake of the environment. Then 2 new boilers were inserted into the school basement and installed. This was a decision made with the goal of being proactive, and not reactive, as is usually the case when boilers fail. Lastly, work began on the project everyone can get behind, a new playground. 

Throughout the summer, the playground equipment slowly began to take shape: a ship which calls to mind our patron, Saint Andrew, who was a fisherman before Jesus called him to be his disciple. If the weather cooperates, the work should be done by the end of the week, just in time for our blessing and dedication on Sunday, October 8th, immediately after the 9:00 AM Mass. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy our new playground.

None of this would have been possible without the participation of many. Firstly, we are thankful for God’s blessings which are always being showered upon us, thus enabling us us to do many great things. We are also thankful for the members of the Facility and Construction Committee who have been researching and overseeing this project from the very beginning when the playground was simply an idea. And we are thankful for all of our generous donors who made all of these projects possible through their participation in Fund A Need and the capital campaign, Enrich, Expand, Grow.

What has been accomplished is more than just the creation of a new playground. It’s also a valuable tool which will help us tell the story of Saint Andrew, the Apostle. His story serves as an inspiration for us all as we endeavor to hear Jesus’ invitation to follow him. The new playground also tells the story of Saint Andrew Parish, Church and School. When we all focus on a common goal, there are virtually no limits to what we can accomplish with the help of God. It likewise communicates to everyone who passes by that in a world that is deeply divided, the people of Saint Andrew are a community united in faith. Young and old, newly arrived or lifelong members, we need each other. Without the help and participation of all the aforementioned, we would not survive.

Truly then, it does take a village, or better yet, it takes a village to raise a faith community. 

Dedication of Ackerman Playlot

After years of planning and months of work, the new Ackerman Playlot on the southwest corner of Saint Andrew School will open on Sunday, October 8, 2023 with a blessing that will take place after the 9:00am Mass. Please come and join us for Mass followed by the formal dedication as the gates open and children will be welcomed to play on the lot for the first time! Please note that the Dedication of the Ackerman Playlot will also coincide with a blessing of Grandparents that will take place at all the Masses on Sat/Sun October  7 & 8. 

Make Plans for Trunk or Treat!

Saint Andrew Parish is thrilled to host our annual Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, October 28th! Join us for 4pm Mass, and then head to the church  parking lot for Trunk-or-Treating from 5pm-7pm. We are also looking for volunteers to decorate your trunk and treat the kids! Please contact Sandra Villarreal at or Jill Lewis at to express interest! 

Running of the Bulldogs 5K 

Running of the Bulldogs 5K


Kids Fun Run


Registration is open! 

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Come out and celebrate Sunrise Mass at Montrose Harbor (right by the Dock Restaurant at Montrose Beach) at 8:15am!  Race begins at 9:00am followed by the Kids Fun Run at 9:45am at Montrose Harbor!

Purchase tickets at:

Please join us after the race for drinks and food at Chicago's Pizza!  Our friends at Chicago's Pizza would love to welcome all racers to their Lakeview location (3114 N. Lincoln) and are generously expanding their menu to offer both brunch and lunch options, as well as a full bar.  Seating is first come first serve, so be sure to head straight to the restaurant to celebrate after the race!


Current Volunteer Opportunities: 

Are you interested in helping with one of Saint Andrew School's best events?  The Book and Bake Sale (October) is looking for a co-chair. Please contact Sarah Casavechia if you are interested.

Be a part of Saint Andrew's fall event line up schedule:

The Fall Swing - Saturday, September 30th

Running of the Bulldogs 5K - Sunday, October 22nd

Please contact Julie Richards if you are interested

Mass Schedule


A set of videos have been produced by the Saint Andrew Parish staff to remind parishioners about the reasons we offer the receipt of the Precious Blood at Mass and how we receive it with the appropriate reverence. Please take the time to view these videos at 

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Vigil - 4:00pm Mass

Sunday - 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm Mass


Confessions are heard in the main church at 3:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment. 

Call 773-525-3016 or write 

Readings for the Week:

Mass readings are available on the U. S. Bishop's website


Mass Intentions:

Sunday, October 1, 2023

+Frank Radke

Sunday, October 8, 2023

+Francisco Acosta, +Carl and Marilyn Plotzke, 

+Sergio Romo, Sr. and +Michael Reap

Live Stream:

Watch our live stream of Sunday Mass at 

School News

We are thrilled to be holding our first school tour of the year on October 10.  Interested families can sign up here.

Do you have a friend or neighbor that is considering applying to the best school in Chicago? Sign up for a tour here: schedule a tour New student applications for the 23-24 school year are now open! 23-24  SAS Application  -

Religious Education News

We have begun Religious Education for the 2023-24 year for grades K through 8. Please visit to learn more about the program for the upcoming year if you still need to register. We will hole our second in-person classes in the classroom this Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 10:00am in the school building. Please contact David Heimann at if you still need to register. 

Stewardship and Finance Report

August Offering: 

Envelope Collection - $7,196

Automated Giving - $17,891

Loose Cash - $3,149

Total Offertory - $28,236

Monthly Budgeted Expenses: $38,500

Annual Catholic Appeal

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible. You may also make a pledge or donation directly through the Archdiocesan website at

Enrich - Expand - Grow Capital Campaign

Income - $1,910,840

Interest on Income - $40,253

Total Income - $1,951,093

Consulting Operating Expense - $215,000

Archdiocesan Contribution - $246,000

Church Lighting (Actual) - $250,517

Church Lighting (Consultant) - $10,480

Church Windows (Actual) - $157,120

School Addition (Architect Fees) - $34,530

Annex (Demolition) - $55,795

Annex (Utilities Disconnect) - $18,210

Annex (Environmental Remediation) - $38,780

Church Boilers - $313,845

School Boilers - $609,248

Total Expense - $1,949,525

BALANCE - $1,568

Revised 9/01/2023

Parish Staff

Parish Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo

   Associate Pastor: Rev. Silvanus Kidaha

Resident Priest: Rev. Emmanuel Madu

  Pastoral Associate: David Heimann

   Deacon: Mark Purdome

      Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides

   Fundraising/Development: Julie Richards

   Office Manager: Christina O’Malley

 Receptionists: Terry Ryan, Christine Chua, Mercedes Jairala

Engineer: Alfred Benkiser

Contact parish staff by phone at 773-525-3016,
electronically at,

or by email at

School Administration:

Principal: Sarah Casavechia

   Assistant Principal: Shanna Eley

   Reception: Trini Mahadeo

   Admissions: Anne Japsen

Contact School Administration by phone at 773-248-2500


Take a moment this weekend to celebrate with our neighboring parish, Saint Benedict, as they hold their annual Oktoberfest!