Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt." Exodus 22:20


The parish office's hours are 8:00am to 7:00pm Monday thru Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays, and from 9:00am to noon on Sundays.

The Sunday evening Mass is now a part of our community's opportunities for Sunday worship. Please join us at 5:00pm on Sunday evenings in addition to our scheduled times of 4:00pm on Saturdays and 9:00am and 11:00am on Sundays. 

Pastoral Letter by Fr. Sergio Romo, Pastor

"Jesus is already here, in our own community, at the District 19 Police Station." 

Very soon the seasons of Advent and Christmas will be upon us. Gatherings with friends and family will soon commence. Recipes for seasonal cakes, cookies and traditional foods will be pulled from files. And Christmas hymns to be sung at concerts are currently being selected and rehearsed. All of these traditions call to mind endearing images of the birth of Jesus Christ. But, within the Christmas narratives that we hear proclaimed during the brief Christmas season, there is one particularly disturbing story that usually escapes our attention.

December 28 is the Feast of the Holy Innocents, which remembers the massacre of all the boys under the age of 2 in Bethlehem. Threatened by the news of the birth of the Messiah, and seeking to secure his throne, King Herod ordered this massacre, in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus. Joseph was warned of Herod’s plot in a dream and was told to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:13

In essence, Jesus, Mary and Joseph were refugees who had no choice but to flee their homeland, because their lives were in danger. Today refugees continue to search for asylum, in order to keep themselves safe from violence and abject poverty. Within our own community they can be found inside and outside the District 19th Police Station, waiting for an opening in one of the city’s shelters.

I am heartened that many parishioners, school families, and children have noticed this unfolding crisis and are compelled to do something. While our parish community can and should do something to help, our efforts are stronger when we partner with others who have already set up mechanisms to help our new residents. There is an ecumenical effort comprised of local churches, city government, and non for profits who are taking a multi-pronged approach. I would encourage everyone to learn about these efforts, and seriously consider participating by going to

The issue of immigration is a complex one that is constantly in flux, and elicits a wide range of opinions and emotions. But, these efforts, and our participation is not about policy. It’s about responding to a crisis with compassion. Regardless of how they got here, legally or illegally, they are here now, and very soon they will be facing our city’s brutal winter. I encourage our community to participate in some of the relief efforts, especially those that allow for an interpersonal connection with some of these families. They most certainly need coats, hats and gloves, but equally important, their human dignity needs to be acknowledged and preserved. There is no better way to accomplish this than by encountering someone face to face.

In Matthew’s gospel we are reminded that we have a responsibility to the poor and marginalized in our society. More importantly, we learn that Jesus identifies with them, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth…For I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:34-35 As we move into the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, let us not forget that the one who’s birth we will soon celebrate, and who’s return we anticipate, is already here, in our own community, at the District 19 Police Station.  Let us welcome him.

Fr. Sergio Romo


Fr. Silvanus Announcement

Dear friends, Parish staff, Parishioners, community of Priests, deacons, school community of Saint Andrew and friends outside the Parish,

Four years have passed since reporting to St Andrew as Associate Pastor, as my visa is at sun set, it is my time to say goodbye. My stay at St Andrew Parish had been a blessing to media have a lot to tell to my friends back to Tanzania. It had been a Time of learning a new culture and of making friends, I thank God for these four years I'm so happy to have wonderful and good friends from St Andrew family.

I got to know many of you and as well I have been part of your lives through the sacraments, we shared the liturgy together, i baptized your children and I was part of your children's First Holy Communion, I was there for the less happy times too such as Anointing of the sick and funerals, these are very special moments that will remain with me forever.

It is customary to thank people in goodbye massages such as this! I couldn't possibly thank every one who deserve acknowledgement but I can at least try to highlight a few who made my four years in St Andrew the meaning experience that it is; I'm grateful to my Pastor Fr Sergio, we lived a life of brotherly love as one family with a caring heart, Fr Alec who has been with me and back home projects, to me he has been part of my home dioceses family, Fr Emmanuel our younger and humble brother, the Parish staff, the school staff and students, neighbor parishioners families in Particular Maribert and Pat, Marcia and Filipino's families, Catheline Cervenka and her family Coleen and John and so many!

During my stay at St Andrew Parish as a human being I made some mistakes' may even offended or upset some of you without meaning to, if this is the case, I apologize. 

As I'm about to go back, my diocesan bishop have called me back home, I will be assigned to work in one of the parishes at our home parishes. My home diocese in Tanzania has 38 parishes and 95% of those Parishes are in rural areas, geographically close to lake Victoria and Serengeti national Parks. I m also inviting you to visit our growing diocese to see the capital of our diocese as well as our country Tanzania.

God bless you all

Fr Silvanus

All Saint Day and All Souls Day

All Saints Day is celebrated on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 and is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. Mass will be celebrated in the main church at 6:30pm. 

All Souls Day is the day we remember all our beloved dead. Saint Andrew Parish will hold a Mass of Remembrance on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 6:30pm. Parishioners are invited to bring photos of loved ones who have died to place on our altar of remembrance. Their names will be called out and candles will be lit for them during the Mass. If you would like a name and photo included and are not able to attend the Mass, please email who will include the remembrance on your behalf. 

Blessing of the Athletes

Sports and athletics have been cherished at Saint Andrew for many decades. All of our young athletes are invited to come and receive a blessing for their safety and success in the current and upcoming sporting seasons at any of the Masses on the weekend of November 4&5 (Masses at 4pm, 9am, 11am, and 5pm). Young athletes are encouraged to wear their sporting jerseys to Mass as a sign of their sport or sports. 


Current Volunteer Opportunities: 

Are you interested in helping with one of Saint Andrew School's best events?  The Book and Bake Sale (October) is looking for a co-chair. Please contact Sarah Casavechia if you are interested.

Be a part of Saint Andrew's fall/winter event line up schedule:

The Giving Tree Project - partnership with Saint Andrew Parish and Saint Mary of the Lake

Please contact Julie Richards if you are interested

Mass Schedule 


A set of videos have been produced by the Saint Andrew Parish staff to remind parishioners about the reasons we offer the receipt of the Precious Blood at Mass and how we receive it with the appropriate reverence. Please take the time to view these videos at 

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Vigil - 4:00pm Mass

Sunday - 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm Mass


Confessions are heard in the main church at 3:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment. 

Call 773-525-3016 or write 

Readings for the Week:

Mass readings are available on the U. S. Bishop's website


Mass Intentions:

Sunday, October 29, 2023

+ Michael Blake, +Miriam Piedra and +Haydee Reyes

Sunday, November 5, 2023

+ Jeanne Flaherty and +Julio C. Ramirez

Live Stream:

Watch our live stream of Sunday Mass at 

School News

Do you have a friend or neighbor that is considering applying to the best school in Chicago? Sign up for a tour here: schedule a tour New student applications for the 23-24 school year are now open! 23-24  SAS Application  -

Religious Education News

We have begun Religious Education for the 2023-24 year for grades K through 8. Please visit to learn more about the program for the upcoming year if you still need to register. We will have our next parent meeting and student classes on Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 10:00am in the school building for students and in the auditorium for parents. Students are now assigned to complete chapters 2, 3, & 4 at home before the next meeting. Please contact David Heimann at if you have additional questions. 

Stewardship and Finance Report

September Offering: 

Envelope Collection - $8,257

Automated Giving - $19.897

Loose Cash - $3,093

Total Offertory - $31,247

Monthly Budgeted Expenses: $38,500

Annual Catholic Appeal

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible. You may also make a pledge or donation directly through the Archdiocesan website at

Enrich - Expand - Grow Capital Campaign

Income - $1,910,840

Interest on Income - $40,253

Total Income - $1,951,093

Consulting Operating Expense - $215,000

Archdiocesan Contribution - $246,000

Church Lighting (Actual) - $250,517

Church Lighting (Consultant) - $10,480

Church Windows (Actual) - $157,120

School Addition (Architect Fees) - $34,530

Annex (Demolition) - $55,795

Annex (Utilities Disconnect) - $18,210

Annex (Environmental Remediation) - $38,780

Church Boilers - $313,845

School Boilers - $609,248

Total Expense - $1,949,525

BALANCE - $1,568

Revised 9/01/2023

Parish Staff

Parish Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo

   Associate Pastor: Rev. Silvanus Kidaha

Resident Priest: Rev. Emmanuel Madu

  Pastoral Associate: David Heimann

   Deacon: Mark Purdome

      Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides

   Fundraising/Development: Julie Richards

   Office Manager: Christina O’Malley

 Receptionists: Terry Ryan, Christine Chua, Mercedes Jairala

Engineer: Alfred Benkiser

Contact parish staff by phone at 773-525-3016,
electronically at,

or by email at

School Administration:

Principal: Sarah Casavechia

   Assistant Principal: Shanna Eley

   Reception: Trini Mahadeo

   Admissions: Anne Japsen

Contact School Administration by phone at 773-248-2500
