Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"I have competed well. I have completed the race. I have kept the faith."

2 Timothy 4:7


There will be Mass on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 7:00pm to celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.

There will be Mass on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 7:00pm to commemorate all the Faithful Departed (All Souls). Parishioners are invited to bring photos and light a candle in the memory of their beloved dead at the Mass.

Pastoral Letter by Deacon Mark Purdome

"Does our parish tagline apply outside of Church?"

At Saint Andrew, we have an advertising tagline that helps us focus on our mission. You've seen it in our communication, it is part of our parish branding, and it is how our website is organized: Gather, Learn, Love.

In the context of branding, a tagline is something memorable that expresses our greater purpose and mission, and so these three words are defined right at the top of our website. They provide a framework to help us think about the parish, and what we do, in a common way.

As we continue to head toward the holidays of fall and winter, as we start to plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas events with family and friends, I wonder if this parish tagline also applies to our lives outside of church.

For example, Gather brings to mind just how many things are scattered in our lives, just how many things need to be brought together. For me, reflecting on the notion of gathering helps me to counteract the whims of the unpredictable that often overtake our lives. And in all of the places that we gather as friends, family, and followers of Jesus, we need to bring warmth and comfort, helping to build closeness rather than divisiveness.

Learn, the middle part of our parish tagline, should also apply to us in general. We live in a world of constant learning, of always looking to expand our knowledge rather than going back to old ways. But sometimes I find it hard to set aside the old and learn the new, especially with the people in our lives. Families, especially, are often set in their ways, from believing stereotypes about the neighbors to expecting bad behavior from that one person who we feel never quite knows how to behave. But at these times we need to bring learning and understanding, looking to expand our views, and perhaps encountering something new about a person along the way.

And, of course, Love. It is difficult to love the world. People have different opinions and different visions from the ones that we believe are correct. But our faith tells us that we can only change the world by loving it, and all of its mess. We engage with friends, family, and strangers, treating them with love and compassion, even though it isn't easy. The more we love, the more we're loved in return, and the more impact we have to make the world a better place.

As we plan for the holiday season, for the inevitable stresses and messes, perhaps this framework might help us focus on the good, to be a harbinger of joy, a messenger of light in a world too filled with darkness.

Gather. Learn. Love.

Shape Saint Andrew's Future

Parish Covenant Development Meetings

Creating and Listening Together

Throughout the Archdiocese, an ongoing process of renewal has been taking place called Renew My Church. Many may know this for the announcement of neighboring parishes that have closed or merged. In the case of Saint Andrew Parish, the Archbishop instead invited us to proceed with a process of renewal in a different way. We would have a partner, Saint Benedict Parish, and together we would develop a “covenant” agreement to demonstrate co-responsibility with one another for the Catholic mission in our neighborhood.

This process is different than what has happened at other parishes in the following ways:

  • We are working with nationally recognized Catholic facilitators from Leadership Roundtable.

  • No merger of our parishes (Saint Andrew and Saint Benedict) will be considered or proposed.

  • We are not defending our operations or picking at our failings, but rather we are trying to look at the ways we can transform our parishes.

  • Our work lays the foundation for the success of both parishes now and in the future.

A joint group of parish leaders have met with Leadership Roundtable for the last two months in this process. The facilitators of Leadership Roundtable have now asked that we share some of the ideas, dreams, methods, proposals, and excitement that the team has prayed about and entreat other parishioners to contribute to the process. This will be done through small gatherings of parishioners in which all can listen, pray, discern, and contribute to the end work of developing a covenant between Saint Andrew and Saint Benedict Parishes. Hence these meetings are called “Parish Covenant Development Meetings – Creating and Listening Together”

Existing groups or points of contact in the parish have already been contacted to participate in Parish Covenant Development Meetings over the next 3 to 4 weeks at times that align with their normal meeting. To ensure that everyone has the chance to participate in a Parish Covenant Development Meeting, a few meetings have been scheduled which are welcome for anyone to participate.

If you cannot attend a meeting or feel like you have more to offer than could be given in the survey that will be available later in October, feel free to contact David Heimann ( to set up a time to talk to a member of the team.

Upcoming times for

Open Covenant Development Meetings

for Saint Andrew Parish:

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 7:00pm over Zoom

Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 10:00am in person in the Chapel

Open Survey will be available from the end of October to November 6

Covenant Development Meetings for the general parish will take place by Zoom on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 and in-person on Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 10:00am in the Auditorium.

The link and password to the Zoom Meeting is

Support for Uganda

For many years, Saint Andrew Parish has supported our visiting missionary, Fr. Matthias Kakooza who leads our sister parish in Uganda. Annually we have a second collection to support the parish and their needs. Fr. Matthias has asked this year that we collect money to help repair large building cracks which are threatening the structure of their parish residence. Please be generous as you can during the second collection on Sunday, October 30, 2022.


Current Volunteer Opportunities:

Ministry of Care:

Parishioners are needed to pray with Catholic parishioners who are in local nursing home and assisted living facilities and to bring them Holy Communion. Please contact Deacon Mark at

Mass Schedule

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Vigil - 4:00pm Mass

Sunday - 9:00am and 11:00am Mass


Confessions are heard in the main church at 3:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment. Call 773-525-3016 or write

Readings for the Week:

Mass readings are available on the U. S. Bishop's website


Mass intentions:

Sunday, October 23, 2022

+Margarita Acevedo +Edward Dougherty, +John and Virginia Kaufman and +Sally M Stevens

Sunday, October 30, 2022

+Patricia Schiebel

ALL SAINTS DAY MASS - November 1, 2022

We will commemorate the Solemnity of All Saints on Tuesday, November 1 at 9:00am and 7:00pm

ALL SOULS DAY MASS - November 2, 2022

A Mass in Remembrance for our Beloved Dead will take place on Wednesday, November 2 at 7:00pm. All are invited to bring a photo of the deceased and place it on our Altar of Remembrance as well as lighting a candle during the Mass in their memory.

Live Stream:

Watch our live stream of Sunday Mass at

School News

The annual Book and Bake sale is back and will take place on Sunday, November 13 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. During this fun event, the Saint Andrew gym will be transformed into a lively bookstore and pop-up bakery. Hundreds of gently used books will be available for sale. Come find books to keep you and your family entertained throughout the winter months or stop by and spend some time catching up with friends over a cup of coffee and some delicious baked goods. All proceeds from the sale benefit Saint Andrew School.

Upcoming tours: November 8 at 9am and November 17 at 6pm. Please contact Anne Japsen in Admissions at for more information. Come join us and experience what makes our Blue Ribbon School so special.

Religious Education News

We have begun Religious Education for students between grades K and 8th grade. Please visit to learn more about the program and to register.

The next weeks of religious education are done at-home with parents and children working together out of the Finding God textbook. The next parent-child session will be on Sunday, November 13, 2022.

Stewardship and Finance Report

September Offering:

Envelope Collection - $5,698

Automated Giving - $15,747

Loose Cash - $2,621

Total Offertory - $24,066

Monthly Budgeted Expenses: $38,500

Enrich - Expand - Grow Capital Campaign

Income - $1,895,970

Interest on Income - $37,635

Total Income - $1,933,605

Consulting Operating Expense - $180,000

Archdiocesan Contribution - $196,800

Church Lighting (Actual) - $250,517

Church Lighting (Consultant) - $10,480

Church Windows (Actual) - $157,120

School Addition - $195,210

Total Expense - $990,126

BALANCE - $943,479


Thanks to the generous support of our Saint Andrew

Community, Wearin’ the Green 2022 raised gross revenue

of over $410,000, attributable to the following categories:

Admission $52,425

Sponsorship $60,250

Raffles & Games $18,200

Auction $104,112

Sign Up Parties $33,845

Faces of Saint Andrew $8,855

Other $4,994

Fund a Need for The Ackermann Playlot $128,545 *includes

$25,000 donation from Cubs Charities

Wearin’ the Green 2022

net revenue is approximately $342,000

Thank you so much for your support of Saint Andrew and

Wearin’ the Green. We look forward to seeing you next

year on Saturday, March 4th!

Parish Staff

Parish Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo

Associate Pastor: Rev. Silvanus Kidaha

Pastoral Associate: David Heimann

Deacon: Mark Purdome

Deacon: Eric Sorensen

Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides

Fundraising/Development: Julie Richards

Office Manager: Christina O’Malley

Receptionists: Terry Ryan, Christine Chua, Mercedes Jairala

Engineer: Alfred Benkiser

Contact parish staff by phone at 773-525-3016,
electronically at,

or by email at

School Administration:

Principal: Sarah Casavechia

Assistant Principal: Shanna Eley

Reception: Trini Mahadeo

Admissions: Anne Japsen

Contact School Administration by phone at 773-248-2500


Trunk or Treat - October 29

Please join us on Saturday, October 29th, 2022 after 4:00 pm Mass for our annual Trunk-or-Treat community event in the Church Parking lot. Come catch up with fellow parishioners and neighbors for refreshments, fall activities, and of course trick-or-treating car to car in the parking lot. The kids can come trick-or-treat as they are, or bring their costumes to change into after Mass, except for a fun twist this year: if you want to dress up as your favorite Saint for mass, there will be a special treat for those saintly ones! Also, because of this event, the Church parking lot will be closed October 29th for set up and the event. We apologize for any inconvenience, but hope the fun makes up for it!

Want to support the event by hosting a car/trunk? Sign up at

Please Support our 5K Sponsors