Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"He fashioned all things that they might have being, and the creatures of the world are wholesome." Wisdom 1:14


The parish office's hours are 8:00am to 7:00pm Monday thru Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays, and from 9:00am to noon on Sundays.

The parish office will not be open on Thursday, July 4, 2024 in honor of the Independence Day. 

Pastoral Letter by Fr. Sergio Romo

"The creatures of the world are wholesome..." 

For years in my service as a Lay Ecclesial Minister, I worked as a youth minister. I would always fear that the kids would pay enough attention to this weekend's First Reading from the Book of Wisdom and the quote, "The creatures of the world are wholesome, and there is not a destructive drug among them." It's the most irritating line in the Bible if one's responsibility is to teach kids to say "no" to abusive drug use, especially from alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, unprescribed medications or street drugs. 

I was always prepared to speak to the quote, but never had to. I'm still waiting for the stereotypical class clown to pop up with that question. In my preparation, I had prepared to use the quote as "exhibit A" for demonstrating why Catholics don't rely on something called "proof texting." That's when you hold a certain belief and you go looking for a singular quote in the Bible to justify your belief without regard to context, continuity, or the consistency of tradition in regard to the interpretation. This can lead to all sorts of menacing trends in Christian circles. 

But secondly, it is a great quote to actually put back into its original context and snap a shot at a bit of Catholic wisdom that seems to be ignored more often than I would like to see in today's world. The full context (found in the full reading) speaks about God's bounty in creation. Yes there are things we know as "vices" - death, drug abuse, neglect, murder, etc, but these are not made by God. These are not the work of God or part of God's plan. God made the light, not the shadows. Shadows are made when we block the light.

I grow concerned when politicians or church leaders will venture down the wholesale condemnation of our world as a pitch for promoting their own brand of a snake-oil cure. The pitch usually goes something like, "The world is awful... but I can save you." 

In John 3:17, the Gospel writer tells us "God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world." I often want to say to people who believe the world is evil, "God hasn't decided to condemn the world, what makes your judgement any better?" 

Our First Reading this weekend, and the whole of Catholic teaching, has something other to offer. We believe that the world is good. Full stop. Shadows and darkness only happen when any part of creation turns away from the light, from God. So the remedy is not an indictment of the world, but to embrace the world through the the light of God's love and grace. 

If that's the big answer, then the small answer can address drugs specifically. Drugs aren't bad in and of themselves, it is the abuse of drugs that gnaws at the cavity of our dignity - when alcohol becomes more important than family, when getting high leads to avoidance of and neglect of our responsibilities, or when a drug does bodily damage to us (overdose).  These same drugs can be used in other ways (usually under supervision). They can cure neurological disease, relieve debilitating pain, and even enhance our mood. There is nothing bad about that whatsoever!  

So if you have the itch to be a class clown and ask a sneaky question trying to trap a minister by questioning if the Bible saying that drugs are OK, maybe the best response is realize something about yourself. There's nothing wrong with being a class clown. God made all of us with unique gifts. Maybe the bigger question is how we can use those gifts for something good? 

Save the Date for Fall Fun!

The summer is just kicking into high (hot) gear but that doesn't mean we should lose site of the fun we have planned for the Fall! Two traditional Saint Andrew events have been put onto the calendar. Make sure you mark your calendars so that you can join us!

The annual Fall Swing will be 

Saturday, September, 28, 2024

and the annual 5K Race and Walk will be 

Sunday, October, 20, 2024

Interested in Becoming Catholic? 

Saint Andrew is starting the process for adults who wish to join the Catholic Church. If you know someone who is curious about Catholicism, would like to join the church from another Christian denomination, or would like to inquire about Baptism as an adult, let them know about the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults and share with them the following webpage  to find out more. Interested individuals can also email to inquire.    


Current Volunteer Opportunities: 

We are actively looking for individuals to be a part of the ministry of lectoring and distribution of Holy Communion. Please contact if you are interested in these important ministries. 

Save the Dates:

Two of our large events are scheduled for the Fall.  

Fall Swing - Saturday, September 28, 2024

Running of the Bulldogs 5K - Sunday, October 20, 2024

Please reach out to Julie Richards at if you are interested in volunteering for these events.  

Mass Schedule 

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Vigil - 4:00pm Mass

Sunday - 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm Mass


Confessions are heard in the main church at 3:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment. 

Call 773-525-3016 or write 

Readings for the Week:

Mass readings are available on the U. S. Bishop's website


Mass Intentions:

Sunday, June 30, 2024

+Carmen Fuentes, + Herman Ver Castillo and +Maureen Stailey and +Ryan Lee

Sunday, July 6, 2024

+Jean O'Malley Dougherty, +Marjorie A. Drury and +Aurora Vinzons

Live Stream:

Watch our live stream of Sunday Mass at 

School News

Ackermann Playlot Playdates 

Come check in with your friends this summer.  There will be an informal meet up for families on the playlot on June 8, July 13 and August 13 at 10am. Bring a cup of coffee and a juice box to catch up with friends.

Come Join Us!

Applications are now open for 24-25! Do you have a friend or neighbor that is considering applying to the best school in Chicago? Sign up for a tour here: schedule a tour New student applications for the 24-25 can be found here: New Student Application

Religious Education News

Religious Education has ended for the 2023-24 year for grades K through 8. Please visit  and contact David Heimann at if you have additional questions. 

Stewardship and Finance Report

May 2024 Offering

Envelope Collection - $7,449

Automated Giving - $18,672

Loose Cash - $3,430

Total Offertory - $29,551

Monthly Budgeted Expenses: $38,500

Annual Catholic Appeal

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible. You may also make a pledge or donation directly through the Archdiocesan website at

Enrich - Expand - Grow Capital Campaign

Income - $1,914,694

Interest on Income - $40,270

Total Income - $1,954,964

Consulting Operating Expense - $215,000

Archdiocesan Contribution - $246,000

Church Lighting (Actual) - $250,517

Church Lighting (Consultant) - $10,480

Church Windows (Actual) - $157,120

School Addition (Architect Fees) - $34,530

Annex (Demolition) - $55,795

Annex (Utilities Disconnect) - $18,210

Annex (Environmental Remediation) - $38,780

Church Boiler - $313,845

School Boilers - $609,248

Total Expense - $1,949,525

BALANCE - $5,439

Revised 05/07/2024

Parish Staff

Parish Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo

Associate Pastor: Rev. Zhao Melchior Huaimin

 Resident Priest: Rev. Emmanuel Madu

  Pastoral Associate: David Heimann

   Deacon: Mark Purdome

      Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides

   Fundraising/Development: Julie Richards

   Office Manager: Christina O’Malley

 Receptionists: Terry Ryan, Christine Chua, Mercedes Jairala

Engineer: Alfred Benkiser

Contact parish staff by phone at 773-525-3016,
electronically at,

or by email at

School Administration:

Principal: Sarah Casavechia

   Assistant Principal: Shanna Eley

   Reception: Trini Mahadeo

   Admissions: Anne Japsen

Contact School Administration by phone at 773-248-2500
