The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

"Receive the Holy Spirit." John 20:22


The parish office's hours are 8:00am to 7:00pm Monday thru Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm on Saturdays, and from 9:00am to noon on Sundays. 

The parish offices will be closed on Monday, June 19, 2023 in observation of Juneteenth. May the period from June 19 to July 4 be filled with thoughtful contemplation about the gift of freedom and the dignity of all people. 

Pastoral Letter by Deacon Eric Sorensen

 “Given that these warm gestures can enhance our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not choose kindness when we can?”

I like to say hello or good morning or welcome to people that I meet.  I will offer to hold a door open for others at stores or businesses.  I tend to keep an eye out for seniors or young families crossing streets.  Often there is not a returned response in kind, or thanks, or reciprocal action.  Perhaps, it is because they are in a hurry to get to work or an event, or are so focused on their personal lives.  Still, I continue, undaunted, as I know the value of such interactions in their lives.

Scientists have been studying such interactions for years.  In studies published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Nicholas Epley explains that being kind to others can improve others’ well-being.  Yet, people do not always take advantage of being kind, because they underestimate how much recipients value their behavior. 

In Epley’s experiments of having people perform random acts of kindness, recipients’ moods improved and they felt more positive.  His findings suggests that “what might seem small when we are deciding whether or not to do something nice for someone else could matter a great deal to the person we do it for.”

Epley’s findings substantiate what we already know in faith, “that it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35)  As St Paul explains in Galatians, kindness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.  Just as a tree is known by its fruit, so it is with us. 

When we follow Jesus, the works of the Holy Spirit are manifested in our lives.  We produce fruits of kindness to others and learn the value of such interactions.  Our acts of kindness are not focused on us, but focused on the well-being others.  By such acts, kindness can be contagious, like ‘paying it forward.’

Indeed, kindness goes farther than we might think.  Yet, so many that volunteer or minister to others have felt a bit of warmth and goodness welling up in their hearts.   I like to call this feeling the ‘Kiss of Christ’ for the goodness that we have done.  We may not always experience this ‘Kiss’ or a response from a recipient of kindness, but we know and value the spiritual fruits being produced through our actions.  Given that these warm gestures can enhance our own mood and brighten the day of another person, why not choose kindness when we can?

Wearin' the Green 2023 Success!! 

We are so proud to report our financial numbers from this years fundraiser!  We couldn't have achieved such strong success without the leadership of our chair people and many, many volunteers! 

We are already looking forward to Wearing the Green 2024!

Summer Improvements - Playlot Announcement!

Please read this important note from Fr. Sergio regarding construction that will begin at Saint Andrew in the next several weeks. Please click on the down arrow to read the full letter. 

Dear Friends of Saint Andrew,

Saint Andrew is a much quieter place once our school is on summer break. That doesn’t mean though that all activities at Saint Andrew come to a halt. Besides the perpetual cycle of getting ready for the upcoming school year, as well as the Church’s continual work of offering Masses and ministering to those in need, we have also made improvements to our campus. Over the years we have accomplished much. But, this summer’s projects will be significant in breath and complexity.

The projects include 2 new boilers for the church and rectory (as part of our capital campaign), and a new playground for the school on the Hermitage lot. Both of these projects necessitated and prompted additional projects. The construction of the playground necessitates the removal of an underground storage tank. And the installation of the 2 new boilers for the church and rectory prompted a more proactive approach to the school’s current boilers. While we had planned to address the school boilers at a later time, we will instead be addressing them now with the installation of 2 new boilers for the school.

Please find a construction schedule at the end of this communication. This schedule is a tentative schedule that can change, depending on the weather and supply and labor issues. Every attempt though will be made to keep the various projects on schedule.

You may be wondering how we are able to afford to do so many projects at one time. The simple answer is that we are a family that works together to help advance the mission and life of Saint Andrew. The school playground is being funded through the generous donations to our Fund a Need over the past 2 years. Attached to this communication is a report on this year’s Wearin’ the Green (WTG), which also includes the 2023 Fund a Need. I want to thank all of our sponsors and all those who generously donated to this project. And I also want to thank the WTG Committee that worked tirelessly to put on this year’s event. Their hard work, along with the generosity of our community made this year’s event the most successful ever!

The cost of the new school boilers (over $772K) will be funded mostly through the remaining funds from the capital campaign. This money would have been used for any capital improvement item on our long list of needs, such as tuck-pointing for the church. But after much thought, prayer, and consultation with the Facilities and Construction Committee, the School Board, and the Finance Council, I have decided to direct those funds towards the purchase and installation of the new school boilers. To avoid having to raise the additional $100K that was needed to cover the difference between the cost and the remaining funds in the capital campaign, savings will be used instead (estimate $100K). So, the school will get new and better heating, without having to raise any funds through a special fundraiser! I can’t think of any other parish and school that has accomplished this.

We are all one family under the patronage of Saint Andrew. He was the first disciple Jesus called to follow him. In turn, Saint Andrew invited his brother Saint Peter to become a disciple as well. In that act, Saint Andrew demonstrates for us the importance of working together. None of the projects that will be taking place this summer would be possible without the support of parishioners, school families, and friends and donors. Is there room for improvement from all parties? Of course there is! This is true of all parishes and schools. But, the results of our working together will be seen in our new playground this fall, as well as unseen, but felt in our warm buildings this winter. Imagine how much more we could accomplish in successive years. The possibilities are limited only by our resolve to always work as one family.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Sergio Romo



June 11-15        Removal of underground storage tank

June 26-30    Excavation to allow delivery of new school boilers

July 3-14           Demolition of old school boilers

July 17-20         Installation of new school boilers, pumps and equipment.

July 24-28         Backfill of hole created for the school boilers project

July 31           Construction of playground commences

* To date, we do not have a proposed schedule for the installation of the church and rectory boilers, but we anticipate they will be installed around the same time as the school boilers.

Vacation Bible School at Saint Ben's

Young parishioners looking for a dynamic way to grow in their faith this summer are invited to join our neighboring parish in their Vacation Bible School taking place daily on July 18 through July 22 from 9am to 12:30pm. Cost is $80 per student or $150 per family. To find out more details and to register visit 


Current Volunteer Opportunities: 

Mass Schedule


This past week, the Archdiocese of Chicago has lifted all restrictions related to the celebration of the Mass that were instated during the COVID pandemic. This extends to the Ministry of the Precious Blood and its distribution during Mass. We are beginning preparations to restore this ministry in the coming weeks. Please look for announcements and reminders how how to reverently participate in this ministry. This means we are also in need of additional  parishioners to serve in the extra-ordinary ministry of communion. Please volunteer to be trained for this ministry by emailing our parish deacons at  

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Vigil - 4:00pm Mass

Sunday - 9:00am,11:00am and 5:00pm Mass


Confessions are heard in the main church at 3:00pm on Saturdays or by appointment. 

Call 773-525-3016 or write 

Readings for the Week:

Mass readings are available on the U. S. Bishop's website


Mass Intentions:

Sunday, June 4, 2023

+Robert DeSagun and +Eamonn Vaughan

Sunday, June 11, 2023

+Laura Bathan, +Robert DeSagun and +Justin Klein

Live Stream:

Watch our live stream of Sunday Mass at 

School News

Do you have a friend or neighbor that is considering applying to the best school in Chicago? Sign up for a tour here: schedule a tour New student applications for the 23-24 school year are now open! Existing families, do not forget to register your new preschoolers.  Applications are now being accepted.     23-24  SAS Application  -

Religious Education News

Religious Education for 2022-23 grades K through 8 has concluded. Please visit to learn more about the program for the upcoming year and to register. We will begin to offer make-up opportunities for students to complete missed sessions in the coming weeks. Have a wonderful summer vacation!

Stewardship and Finance Report

May Offering: 

Envelope Collection - $6,920

Automated Giving - $20,771

Loose Cash - $2,993

Total Offertory - $30,684

Monthly Budgeted Expenses: $38,500

Annual Catholic Appeal

Many families in our parish have received the Annual Catholic Appeal mailing from Cardinal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible. You may also make a pledge or donation directly through the Archdiocesan website at

Enrich - Expand - Grow Capital Campaign

Income - $1,909,407

Interest on Income - $39,931

Total Income - $1,949,337

Consulting Operating Expense - $215,000

Archdiocesan Contribution - $246,000

Church Lighting (Actual) - $250,517

Church Lighting (Consultant) - $10,480

Church Windows (Actual) - $157,120

School Addition (Architect Fees) - $34,530

Annex (Demolition) - $55,795

Annex (Utilities Disconnect) - $18,210

Annex (Environmental Remediation) - $38,780

Total Expense - $1,026,432

BALANCE - $922,906

Revised 4/4/2023

Parish Staff

Parish Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Sergio Romo

   Associate Pastor: Rev. Silvanus Kidaha

Resident Priest: Rev. Emmanuel Madu

  Pastoral Associate: David Heimann

   Deacon: Mark Purdome

   Deacon: Eric Sorensen

   Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides

   Fundraising/Development: Julie Richards

   Office Manager: Christina O’Malley

 Receptionists: Terry Ryan, Christine Chua, Mercedes Jairala

Engineer: Alfred Benkiser

Contact parish staff by phone at 773-525-3016,
electronically at,

or by email at

School Administration:

Principal: Sarah Casavechia

   Assistant Principal: Shanna Eley

   Reception: Trini Mahadeo

   Admissions: Anne Japsen

Contact School Administration by phone at 773-248-2500
