Ernest E Peeples

Ernest E. Peeples

Ernest Emmanuel Peeples is an actor, writer, model and voiceover artist from Chicago, IL and based in Atlanta, GA. With over a decade of performance experience, Peeples has been blessed to train and perform in multiple cities domestically and internationally. A few notable projects include the titular role in Hamlet in its historic Helsingør, Denmark; Lu in the rolling world premiere of Ghost in Atlanta and St. Louis (Alliance Theatre & Metro Theater Company); and has lent his voice to the roles of Milo Regikal/Vaghnar in BlackBlade: A Fantasy Radio Play from Dixon Place in NYC.. Peeples has also studied with the British American Drama Academy at Magdalen College of Oxford University. Peeples remains committed to changing the perception of albinism in the media through his artistry and indebted to his friends, family, and God for their endless love and support. Contact at @eepeeples on Instagram.