Alexander McConkie

Alexander McConkie

Alexander is a senior at the University of Utah receiving his BFA in Musical Theatre and is thrilled to be participating in his first Standby for Places production! Alexander was born and raised in Annapolis, Maryland but has spent the majority of his recent years living in various cities in Italy. "Recent theatre credits" (aka my pre-covid years at the University of Utah) include Floyd Collins, Dracula, and La Boheme. While you’ve been home and binge-watching YouTube for the past year or so, you may have seen Alexander in his most recent and ongoing role as Flavio in Theatrics Online, a YouTube web series! As a human and as an artist, Alexander believes that the journey of growth and personal development is never ending which is why he was so thrilled to dive into the new challenge and adventure of Little Shop of Horrors as a radio show! Experiences like this fill him with love-based, passion-filled, and positivity-rooted fuel that give him the capacity and inspiration to take on the next challenge and opportunity to grow. Feel free to visit is website, for a full resume and all that jazz. You can also follow him on instagram: @mcconksters. Peace and blessings.