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Study committee hears testimony on ‘heavy burden’ of juvenile costs, fees | October 27, 2021

If you missed the Interim Study Committee on Corrections and Criminal Code meeting on Oct. 26, read this article that highlights the personal testimonies given by advocates who believe costs and fees imposed by our juvenile justice system cause harm to Indiana youth and their families.

After you read, sign this petition. Your support can make a difference and ensure that youth justice is a priority for our legislators:

Ramping up for reform: Hoosier juvenile justice system gets hardlook from working groups, outside data | September 1, 2021

Steps to addressing critical issues facing Indiana’s juvenile justice system are already underway. If you missed this article in September, read it now.

Indiana’s juvenile justice reform legislation — Senate Enrolled Act 368 — was signed into law in April. Help us keep the momentum going by signing this petition today: