stage crew

maddie allen

Maddie is working backstage on the props team. She enjoys playing sports, cookies and baking with her parents, and hanging out with friends. She is involved in basketball at the moment and soccer in a few weeks. She would like to thank her parents for always pushing her to be great and believing in her. She would also like to thank Ms. Lackups for allowing her to be a part of the props team.

Angelina Arvizo

Angelina is working on the set movement team. She enjoys playing volleyball and hanging out with friends. She is also involved in basketball. She would like to thank her parents for always pushing her to be and do her best, and for Ms. Lackups for giving her the opportunity to serve backstage. 

Zoey Duckers

Zoey is working backstage on the set movement team. She enjoys hanging out with her friends, getting Starbucks, and playing sports. She is involved in basketball, soccer, track, and volleyball. She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her throughout her life, and Ms. Lackups for allowing her to work backstage.

Ellie holmes

Ellie is working backstage with the set movement team. She enjoys playing sports, especially volleyball, and shopping. She is involved with Femineers at the moment. She would like to thank everyone involved in the musical, her parents, and Ms. Lackups for being so supportive.

kaydence hurlbert

Kaydence is working backstage on the sound team. She enjoys sports, shopping, sleeping, and hanging out with friends. She is involved in soccer, basketball, track, Femineers, and tennis. She would like to thank her parents for buying her a microphone, so she could make a podcast.

eli janssen

Eli is working backstage on the lights team. He enjoys playing soccer and hanging out with friends. He is involved in playing competitive soccer. He would like to thank his mom and dad, and also his dogs for always being there. He would also like to thank Ms. Lackups for teaching everyone how to do the things we can do. 

natalie milligan

Natalie is working backstage on the sound team. She enjoys hanging out with her friends and her brother. She is currently involved in Lighthouse, volleyball, and basketball. She would like to thank her family and friends for always being there for her.  

Kelly neenan

Kelly is working backstage on the props team. She enjoys hanging out with friends and shopping. She is involved in volleyball, soccer, track, and flag football. She would like to thank her parents and friends for supporting her and making her smile, and Ms. Lackups for all her support.

evelyn reyes

Evelyn is working backstage on the set movement team. She enjoys playing basketball with her dad outside. She is involved in basketball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, and track at the moment. She would like to thank her family and friends for always having her back and believing in her.

Addison schraeder

Addison is working backstage on the spotlight team. She enjoys playing with her dogs and watching all types of theater wherever she can. She is involved in choir inside and outside of school, and does some musical theater productions mostly at Musical Theatre Heritage and The Coterie. She would like to thank Ms. Lackups for giving her the opportunity to work on this production. 

Beckett stevens

Beckett Stevens is working on the set movement team. He enjoys soccer, baking, and games. He is involved in band. He would like to thank his family and his dogs. 

Charlie villanueva

Charlie is working on the lights team. He enjoys playing sports, especially soccer, and loves to play with his dog. He is involved in basketball and soccer at the moment. He would like to thank all his family members for cheering him on especially when he was down, and for loving him no matter what. He would also like to thank Ms. Lackups for being the awesome teacher she is. 

Ryan Werner

Ryan Werner is working backstage on the spot light team. He enjoys basketball and the outdoors. He is involved in the musical. He would like to thank his mom and his dogs.