HHP Cooking Club

(and baking, too!)


Our club is a place where students interested in cooking and baking can gather to share recipes, teach each other, learn from each other, and get to know people with similar interests.

Our Meetings

Beginning Monday, February 8, we will meet from 1-2 PM every Monday.

The Google Meet code is hhpcooking

If you have a question, email Miss Raspen jraspen@staffordschools.net

Share photos of some of your favorite dishes, meals, and treats here!

I put in photos of some of my favorite things I've made recently. If you have anything to add, click this link to go to the form, or click the form below.

Our Favorite Cooking/Baking Shows

Kids Baking Championship

Nailed It

Master Chef

Chopped Jr. (2015-2019)

Rachael vs. Guy: Kids Cook-Off (Season 1 available on Amazon Prime)