
The world is technology

We're all aware by now that technology is the future, at least for now. We want all students to be prepared to enter the world with the skills they need to be ready! Although we don't want to overdo the technology, we want to give opportunities to use it successfully!

Technology and writing

Students have to learn to write. It is non negotiable. They have to learn to express themselves in written form whether it's a formal essay, writing a review on a website or sending a text! Physical handwriting should NOT be abandoned, but students need to be capable "virtual" writers as well!


Check out the video below to help your Cougar with some basic formatting skills. When your Cougar does need to write a formal piece of writing, these skills will help them to make their writing look polished! Cougars can access Google Docs through their waffle!

Digital Citizenship

With all the technology students have at their finger tips, it's important to teach students all the responsibility that comes a with it. Students need to learn manage their time, emotions and behavior when it comes to devices. Below are some activities for students to learn on these subjects.

More resources coming soon!