denton county student election clerk program

Company Name: Denton County Elections Administration

Company Contact: Alison Olson: and Perri Brackett: 

Company Address: 

Job description: Are you interested in government, politics or learning more about elections? Do you want to get paid to help work elections and add to your resume? 

The 2024 Primary Elections are coming up on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Denton County Elections Administration has a Student Election Worker Program.

Hourly rate: $12/hour

Minimum age of applicants: 16-18 years old

How should interested students apply? 

More Information about Student Election Worker: 

Nonpartisan Student Recruitment Form: 

Other notes from company:  

Filling out the Recruitment Survey does not guarantee you’ll be assigned to work, nor does it commit you to work. If you have a party preference you can select that when you complete the form, it’s not mandatory. Both parties will be working the polls equally.