St Winefride's Catholic Primary School proudly a part of The Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy Trust

Summer No 1, Friday 12th April 2024

Gospel of the Week

The Third Week of Easter - Year B

Then the two told what had happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognised by them when he broke the bread.

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”

They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”

When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of cooked fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.

He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.

Luke 24: 35-48

Dusty's Birthday

Tomorrow, 13th April is Dusty's second birthday. We couldn't let the occasion pass us by so Dusty came out to the playground and the children sang 'Happy Birthday' to him.

Not content to stop there, Kuljinder, our school cook, baked a special birthday cake for him to enjoy!

Class Photos

The children will be having their Class Photos taken on Monday. Please ensure the children are wearing their full school uniform, not PE Kit.

Walking Bears

Iris took Charlie Bear for walks over the Easter Break. 

She had a fabulous time having breakfast in the garden, visiting Tesco to do their weekly shopping and they even went on the train to visit Grandma. They saw lots of trees, yellow plants, sheep and cows. Iris and Charlie passed many houses, cars, buses and a post office when walking to school. 

Scholastic Book Fair

The Book Fair will be in school until Tuesday. The children have had the opportunity to view the books and decide which ones they would like. You may pop in after school to see the Book Fair yourself and make the purchases.

Free Choice Friday

We would like to request that parents/carers do not send in 'Brain Lickers' or similar items as a treat on Fridays, please send in a standard size treat such as a bag of crisps (not family size or sharing bag) or chocolate bar etc.

Please remember that we are a nut free school and no nuts, of any kind are permitted in school, including sweets and chocolate bars which include them, i.e. 'Snickers', 'Fruit and Nut', Ferrero Rocher etc. or cereal bars that contain nuts.

Two Year Old Provision

We have released our Consultation Paper on the change of age range from three to eleven to two to eleven. Please click the button below to read it.

If you would like to register your interest in using our Two Year Old provision please click the button below and complete the form or drop in to the front office and complete a paper copy of the form

After School Clubs

A School Ping message has been sent out for the new selection of After School Clubs available for the Summer Term. Priority will be given to those children who have not had the opportunity to attend a club and then places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis thereafter, while trying to ensure every child who applies for a place will be accepted into at least one club.

You will receive a School Ping message to confirm if your child has a place in one of the new clubs.

The following After School Clubs will continue with the same children:



The new After School Clubs which will now begin in the second Summer Half Term are:

Art - Year 5

Yoga - Year 1&2

Please click the button below to book a place on one of these clubs.

All other clubs have finished for the time being.

We also hope to offer one or two more after the Summer Half Term Break, with details to follow.

Assembly Timetable

Assemblies will remain in the School Hall at the present time. Performances will begin at 2.30pm please arrive early to be in place ready for the performance.

Friday 19th April: Class 3

Friday 26th April: No Assembly

Friday 3rd May: Class 4

Friday 10th May: Class 1/2

Friday 17th May: No Assembly

Friday 24th May: EYFS

Half Term Break

Friday 7th June: No Assembly

Friday 14th June: Class 5

Friday 21st June: Class 1

Friday 28th June: No Assembly

Friday 5th July: Class 2

Friday 12th July: No Assembly

Thursday 18th July: Y6 Leavers (2pm)

Friday 19th July: Governors' Prizes (10am)

Coffee Morning Timetable

Coffee Morning takes place in the School Hall beginning at 8.40am each Friday. The children who performed in the Achievement Assembly the previous week will repeat their performance at the following week's Coffee Morning. 

Friday 19th April: No Performance

Friday 26th April: Class 3

Friday 3rd May: No Performance

Friday 10th May: Class 4

Friday 17th May: Class 1/2

Friday 24th May: No Performance

Half Term Break

Friday 7th June: EYFS

Friday 14th June: No Performance

Friday 21st June: Class 5

Friday 28th June: Class 1

Friday 5th July: No Performance

Friday 12th July: Class 2

School Calendar

The button below takes you directly to the School Calendar Page of our website. 

Here you will find term dates, After School Club times, SATs Test dates, Sports Day, Children's Mass at St Stephen's and the Assembly and Coffee Morning dates.

School Dinner Menu 

Please click the picture or the button below to see the menu the children will be choosing their meals from for the Summer Term. The week after the Easter Break will be the Summer Week 2 Menu. 

Picture News 

Story: A new artwork, from the mysterious street artist Banksy, appeared in North London overnight in March and has since been covered with plastic and surrounded by wooden boards to protect it.

Question: What does art mean to you?

Virtual Picture News: Found here:    

Primary Picture News Resource England - 15th April - Art.pptx

Social Media Age Restrictions

Do you know the age restrictions on Social Media platforms?

Would it surprise you to know that Youtube is 18+, WhatsApp is 16+ and most common platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Facebook and X (formally Twitter) have a 13+ age limit?

Please have a look at (and click) the poster from Open View Education for more details and information.

Is your child ready for social media? 

In an increasingly tech minded world the temptation of social media grows every stronger.  A recent Ofcom report showed that most children acquire their first phone between the ages of 9 and 11, with up to 91% of children this age having their own device. One in five children aged 3 or 4 have their own mobile!

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection website (CEOP) have a very informative section on Social Media, please click the button below to read it.

Gardening Corner 

Every Wednesday the children are invited to join Mr Whitehorn in the garden to plant a seed in a pot. They then have to take care of it and once it has grown to a big enough size it will planted in the Sensory Garden.

Please note this will start on Wednesday 24th April as Mr Whitehorn is on holiday next week.

Phebe, Daisy, Caleb and Rebecca from Class 4 produced a fact sheet about bees, including diagrams, well done everyone! 

Safeguarding - Keeping Your Child Safe

What Parents & Educators need to know about Managing Exam Stress

Most of us have felt the dread of impending exams 🖊️😟 The pressure to succeed and not let our loved ones – or ourselves – down can sometimes manifest in ways that are harmful to children’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Several studies have demonstrated that, in a vicious circle, such anxiety impacts our working memory and actually damages academic performance as result 😖

However, there are various solutions to the pre-exam jitters besides simply “getting on with it” – and a little support can go a long way in boosting young people who are suffering from this type of apprehension. To tie in with National Stress Awareness Month, this week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for helping children and young people to deal with exam stress.

Su1 - Hymn of the Half Term - Summer 1 - 2024

Hymn of the Half Term

This half term's hymn is Risen (Jesus is Alive!), by  Mark and Helen Johnson. 

To play the hymn please click on the Google Slide and the music will start automatically once you advance to the second slide. You may then advance the slides after every two verses and the music will continue to play as you do so.

There is also as link to the YouTube video on the slides and below:

This Week's Prayer

Dear Father in heaven,

Thank You for loving us.

Thank You for sending Jesus and giving us your peace.

Help us to bring peace to our world too.


God Bless You,

Mrs Brosnan

Head Teacher

Reception Screening

As part of the Reception Screening Programme, a health visitor from Newham will be in school on Wednesday 24th April until Friday 26th April to complete the hearing and vision screening for Reception. She has sent some information to us that she would parents/carers of children in the Reception Class to read. Please click on the picture or the button below. 

Allergy Protocol

At St Winefride's we do all we can to keep the children, and staff, as safe as possible. If your child has any kind of allergy, not only food, please contact us and let us know.

To ensure everyone is as safe as possible we are a nut free school, this includes all types of nuts, including those found in chocolate such as Ferrero Rocher, Snickers, Celebrations, Quality Street etc.

For this reason we would ask you not to send in party bags of any kind for your children's birthdays.

Easy Fundraising 

Good Afternoon,

Did you know that we’re registered with easyfundraising and you could help us to raise funds for the school at no extra cost to yourself? 

This is a great opportunity to raise much needed funds for the school!

When you shop online, with over 7,500 of your favourite brands, including John Lewis & Partners, Amazon, eBay, notonthehighstreet, etc., you will raise FREE donations for St Winefride's.

If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, then you can begin using the easyfundraising website or app straightaway.

Visit our easyfundraising page to get started:


Nursery Applications

We are still accepting applications for places in our Nursery. If you would like a place for your child, or know anyone who would like a place please visit our admissions page:

You may also call 020 8478 0510 or email or pop in to our School Office for more details.


Please remember to call our School Office if your child is unwell and leave a message. 

It is also important to remember that if you child is vomiting or has an upset stomach they should remain off school until 48 hours have passed since their last episode of illness.

School Ping Messaging Service

At St Winefride's we use the School Ping messaging service extensively to keep our Parents/Carers informed of events during the week, half term and generally throughout the year.

This newsletter is sent out via School Ping, as well as being posted on the School Website. Other messages sent via School Ping include your children's homework, messages about educational visits, reminders about Assemblies, After School Clubs, Parents Evenings and much more. Please take the time to read the messages sent via School Ping so that you are kept up to date with all the latest information.

 School Bags

Please note that the children should not bring rucksacks/backpacks into school as there is not enough space to store them safely. The children should have a book bag, either the one with the school logo (available from the school office or from My Clothing at £6.50 (+p&p) and will have the school logo on, not the example logo shown on the website) or a plain blue book bag. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

School Uniform

Please see the updated Uniform Policy below. We would strongly recommend purchasing non branded items, such as trousers, skirts, shirts, blouses, socks and shoes from supermarkets or other clothing retailers, many of whom will be having return to school sales. We will be carrying out regular uniform checks over the course of the year.

Assembly Videos

Each week the Class presentation during the Achievement Assembly is recorded and then posted on our Vimeo site. Please click the button below to go to our Vimeo site and see the videos!

Parent View

Parent View is the ideal way to tell everyone how great you think St Winefride's is. Follow this link to the Ofsted Website and let them know just how outstanding the school is!