Summer No 8, Friday 16th June 2023

Gospel of the Week

(The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A)

The Living Bread

He saw the crowds of people and felt sorry for them because they were worried and helpless. They were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said to his followers, “There are many people to harvest, but there are only a few workers to help harvest them. God owns the harvest. Pray to him that he will send more workers to help gather his harvest.”

Jesus called his twelve followers together. He gave them power to drive out evil spirits and to heal every kind of disease and sickness. These are the names of the 12 apostles: Simon (also called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew, the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot. Judas is the one who turned against Jesus.

These twelve men he sent out with the following order: “Don’t go to the non-Jewish people. And don’t go into any town where the Samaritans live. But go to the people of Israel. They are like sheep that are lost. When you go, preach this: ‘The kingdom of heaven is coming soon.’ Heal the sick. Give dead people life again. Heal those who have harmful skin diseases. Force demons to leave people. I give you these powers freely. So help other people freely.”

Matthew 9:36-10:8

School Refurbishment

We are delighted to announce that the refurbishment to the front of the school is finished at last. As you can see from the Before and After photos the front of the school looks much brighter and welcoming now!

We have also been successful in winning a Condition Improvement Fund bid to replace all of the flat roofs in the school. The work will be commencing during the summer break and is due to take 22 weeks!



Parent & Toddlers

Stay & Play

Each Tuesday from 2.00pm to 3.00pm we are holding a Parent & Toddlers Stay & Play Event.

All are welcome, please feel free to bring along any toddler friends too!

Please call 020 8478 0510 or email to register an interest in joining.

St Winefride's Funday Fundraiser 2023

We are delighted to announce the return of the St Winefride’s School Funday which will be held on Thursday 29th June 2023.

The funday will run during the school day beginning after morning registration and then throughout the day until 2.30pm. This end time will allow for the bouncy castles to be packed away so the playground is clear for dismissing the children from school as normal at 3.15pm.

There is a one off payment of £10 (£5 for Half day Nursery children).

Please click the button below for more details.

Hot Weather

Please remember to protect your children from the sun during this hot weather spell by giving them a hat and sunscreen. They may also bring a bottle of water to drink and sunglasses to protect their eyes.

Ice Pop Sale

The Ice pops left over from the Tuck Shop today will be sold on Monday, at a price of 20p each. Apologies we didn't have time to get back into school after assembly to sell them today!

Advertising Flyers in Ukranian!

We would love to have even more children here at St Winefride's! To help with this we had had our advertising leaflets translated into Ukrainian. If you know a place that would let us leave some leaflets to advertise the school please let us know.

We are also having them translated into Tamil. If you are able to translate the leaflets into your home language and feel that it would encourage more children to come to St Winefride's please drop in at the school office to discuss this.

Click the buttons below to see the Leaflet and Poster in Ukrainian.

Free Choice Tuck Shop

We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack on Monday to Thursday but allow one Free Choice snack to be brought in on Friday (No nuts or nut based products please).

We also have our Free Choice Friday tuck shop, which will operate during the morning break on Friday where the children will have the opportunity to buy up to two snacks for either 20p or 50p.

Today was a great a success and the children thoroughly enjoyed their treats!

Clean Air Day

Yesterday, Thursday 15th June, was the 7th Clean Air Day. We took members of our School Council and RE Team to Little Ilford Park, for a Mindfulness session and walk and also to the 'Pollution Gate' in Romford Road.

The Pollution Gate is designed to make passers by think twice about the quality of air that we breathe. This issue was highlighted by the residents of Little Ilford, who asked us to emphasise health as the priority for their area.

The Pollution Gate acts as a shelter from not only sun and rain but also from pollution; the paintwork includes a technology which breaks down harmful pollution into salts. The gateway points the way to a better future; increasing travel choice, encouraging clean streets, and flagging the need for measures to reduce levels of pollution.

The children were given lots of stickers (which seemed to end up on their noses for some reason!) and leaflets about how to reduce pollution, including learning about Newham's Anti-idling Campaign from the councillor in charge

Assembly Videos

Each week the Class presentation during the Achievement Assembly is recorded and then posted on our Vimeo site. Please click the button below to go to our Vimeo site and see the videos!

The Easter Passion is now uploaded as well as the wonderful performance by our Parent Carer Choir.

Safeguarding - Keeping Your Child Safe

What Parents & Carers need to know about 

Money Muling

“Easy cash, no strings attached” 💰 Young people are being recruited via social media to serve as money mules: ‘washing’ illegal funds through their bank accounts. 

This week, our guide analyses the growing threat of online money muling, helping trusted adults to understand this hazard and support young people to avoid being drawn in.

Safeguarding Factsheets

Tik Tok Videos

TikTok is a video-sharing app that’s very popular with children and teenagers. Anyone can make and upload their own videos, which often include:

Dance routines

Lip-syncing to music

Comedy sketches

You can also gain followers (‘fans’) and watch other people’s videos.

The age recommendation is 13 and above, but it’s easy for younger children to sign up too.

Please click here to read the Factsheet provided by 'The Key > Safeguarding'.

Clever Never Goes

CLEVER NEVER GOES has been developed to replace the out-dated ‘stranger danger’ approach.

Whilst child abduction is relatively uncommon, it’s important that children can recognise the potential signs of danger. Teaching children simply to avoid strangers doesn’t work. Most strangers will help rather than harm children. Conversely, it is often people known to children that pose the greatest threat.

Clever Never Goes moves the focus away from strangers and instead teaches children to recognise when someone (anyone) is asking them to go with them. We call this ‘Go Spotting’. In doing so, the programme aims to give children practical safety skills which they can use as they get older and become more independent.

It’s about safety – but it’s also about building children’s abilities to engage with the outside world, and giving parents the confidence to let them.

Click the logo below to see a parent/carer factsheet:

Hymn of the Term

Each Half term the children will be learning and singing a new hymn. This half term the Hymn is:

"Father, We Adore you."

Please click the Slide to expand it and then the speaker symbol to play the backing track.

Copy of Father We Adore You

Library Visits

The Class visits to the library are well underway, if your child hasn't been this week they will be going in the coming weeks. Please remember that once they have their library card they may visit the library as often as they wish and read as many books as possible!

There is usually a reading competition over the summer run by the library, which usually has lots of interesting visits and special days for the children to enjoy so keep an eye out for details in the newsletter, the local press and on line, click the button below. You are also able to borrow eBooks and use IT facilities at the library so pop along and check it out!

The Parent Carer Choir rehearsals for the Leavers Performance have started! Come along for a coffee, tea and a song (or two)!

Summer Term Assembly Timetable

Assemblies begin at 2.30pm in St Stephen's Church

21/04/2023: Class 4

28/04/2023: Class 1/2

05/05/2023: Class 3/4

12/05/2023: SATs No Assembly

19/05/2023: Class 1

26/05/2023: Class 5

09/06/2023: Class 3

16/06/2023: Reception

23/06/2023: Nursery

30/06/2023: Rehearsals

07/07/2023: Rehearsals

14/07/2023: International Day

18/07/2023 Tues: Leavers Performance

19/07/2023 Weds: Governors' Prizes

& Parent/Carer/Staff Choir

Summer Term



Coffee Mornings begin at 8.50am in the School

21/04/2023: No Performance

28/04/2023: Class 4

05/05/2023: Class 1/2

12/05/2023: Class 3/4

19/05/2023: No Performance

26/05/2023: Class 1

09/06/2023: Class 5

16/06/2023: Class 3

23/06/2023: Reception

30/06/2023: Nursery

07/07/2023: No Performance

14/07/2023: No Performance

Picture News

Within the next ten years, people may be able to travel between London and Sydney in just two hours by travelling through space on a sub-orbital flight.

This week's question is: "How has travel changed our lives?"

Primary Picture News Resource England - 19th June - Fast travel.pptx

House Points

A great week for St Andrew with their first win since October, they earned an impressive 1390 House points, winning by 65 points, well done everyone!

Thank you to the House Captains and Vice Captains for collecting, counting and returning the House point tokens and jars.

Summer School Dinner Menu

The children are now choosing from the new Summer menus.

Next week the children will be selecting their meals from Summer Week 3 Menu.

Please click the buttons below to see the Summer Term menus. 

Nursery Applications

We are still accepting applications for places in our Nursery. If you would like a place for your child, or know anyone who would like a place please visit our admissions page:

You may also call 020 8478 0510 or email or pop in to our School Office for more details.

School Bags

Some of our classrooms are a little tight for space, so please use the school issue school bag wherever possible, as back packs are simply to big to be stored neatly and safely.

 The children do not need to bring very much to school and these bags are more than roomy enough for all their things.

This Week's Prayer


There is no better news than the good news that you love us and sent your Son so that we might have life and that we might have it abundantly.

Help us to faithfully share that good news with others.


God Bless You,

Mrs Brosnan

Head Teacher


'Stefania' Video

We are delighted to share with you the video produced by Newham Music, with the help of the BBC Singers and starring the children from schools across Newham, especially St Winefride's! It features the children singing and playing instruments in a performance of last year's Eurovision Song Contest winning song 'Stefania' by the Kalush Orchestra of Ukraine.

You may view the video by clicking here or on the picture!

Should you keep your child off school?

Please see the poster to see when your child should return to school after an illness. Please click here or on the image for a better quality pdf version.

School Uniform

We have a number of items of pre-owned uniform available. Items with our logo on are priced at £1.00 and all other items are 50p each. You may call in at the School Office to see what is available.

If you have any items of uniform that your children may have outgrown please and is still wearable, please donate it to the school. You may drop them off at the School Office or at Coffee Morning.

For you information our updated Uniform Policies are below


Please remember to call our School Office if your child is unwell and leave a message. 

It is also important to remember that if you child is vomiting or has an upset stomach they should remain off school until 48 hours have passed since their last episode of illness.

Parent View

Parent View is the ideal way to tell everyone how great you think St Winefride's is. Follow this link to the Ofsted Website and let them know just how outstanding the school is!