Spring No. 4, Friday 8th February 2019

Gospel of the Week

Jesus’ First Followers

One day Jesus was standing beside Lake Galilee. Many people were pressing all around him. They wanted to hear the word of God. Jesus saw two boats at the shore of the lake. The fishermen had left them and were washing their nets. Jesus got into one of the boats, the one which belonged to Simon. Jesus asked Simon to push off a little from the land. Then Jesus sat down in the boat and continued to teach the people on the shore.

When Jesus had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Take the boat into deep water. If you will put your nets in the water, you will catch some fish.”

Simon answered, “Master, we worked hard all night trying to catch fish, but we caught nothing. But you say to put the nets in the water; so I will.” The fishermen did as Jesus told them. And they caught so many fish that the nets began to break. They called to their friends in the other boat to come and help them. The friends came, and both boats were filled so full that they were almost sinking.

The fishermen were all amazed at the many fish they caught. When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he bowed down before Jesus and said, “Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man!” James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were amazed too. (James and John were Simon’s partners.)

Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid. From now on you will be fishermen for men.” When the men brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Jesus.

Luke 5:1-11

Temporary School Office Entrance

The builders have been really hard at work and walls have already disappeared from the School Office Reception Area! The new Reception Desk is arriving on Monday and it looks like the School Office Staff will be back in their usual place just after the half term break!

Assembly and Coffee Morning Timetable


  • Friday 15th February - No Assembly
  • Half Term
  • Friday 1st March - Class 1D
  • Friday 8th March - Class 5K
  • Friday 15th March - Class 3G
  • Friday 22nd March - Class 4H
  • Friday 29th March - Class RA/RP
  • Friday 5th April - Class 6M

Coffee Morning:

  • Friday 15th February - Class 5/6Mc
  • Half Term
  • Friday 1st March - No Performance
  • Friday 8th March - Class 1D
  • Friday 15th March - Class 5K
  • Friday 22nd March - Class 3G
  • Friday 29th March - Class 4H
  • Friday 5th April - Class RA/RP

Half Term

The Half Term break begins at 3.15pm on Friday 15th February 2019. The children are due back on Monday 25th February 2019 at 8.55am.

Internet Safety Month

Please see below the text of an email we received as we are a National Online Safety Accredited School:

As parents and carers, it can be challenging to determine whether or not content is appropriate for our children. That's where BBFC and PEGI age ratings come in...

This #WakeUpWednesday we're guiding parents through the complex world of BBFC and PEGI age ratings for films, TV, music videos and games. Please share these FREE online safety guides and feel free to distribute them in the community.

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/natonlinesafety/status/1093071804543963136

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/NationalOnlineSafety/photos/a.1681508315488685/1960547194251461/?type=3&theater

DOWNLOAD: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/resources/platform-guides/age-ratings-online-safety-guide-for-parents/?fbclid=IwAR1hWh3aQYFWdelFsB4wjr-CFuvPwtsVl8L8yEgkeM91z1VZjjzZyhIUThM

Interested in our online safety course for parents and carers? Please find further information here and complete the form if interested: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/training/online-safety-parents-course/

Below are the top tips for every age group which were updated to help create a better internet throughout the whole year.

Top tips for 3 -7 year olds

Top tips for 7 - 11 year olds

Top tips for 11-18 year olds

Top tips for parent/carers

Coding Competition

As part of Internet Safety Month and Digital Week Mr McAteer will be organising an age appropriate Coding Competition. Details will be given out next week.

Cycle Training

All the places for the Year 3 & 4 Cycle Training on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th February are taken. Any further applications will be put on a waiting list and will be guaranteed a place on the next available course. There are only 3 places left for the Year 5 children's course beginning Monday 4th March . The places are offered on a first come, first served basis. there are still places left so please hand in your forms as soon as possible. If you would like details on Newham's free adult and children's cycle training please go to:


Details of the Year 6 course will be made available after the Half Term Break.

House Points

More great news for St Patrick as they win for the second week in a row. Amazingly they have now taken the lead in the Spring Term Championship having been in fourth place only two weeks ago!

Gold Letters

The totals up until this week are:

RA - 84

RP - 61

1D - 139

1/2H - 102

2B - 237

3G - 145

3/4H - 43

4H - 120

5K - 68

5/6Mc - 92

6M - 72

Well done to everyone!

Parent Comms App

We would like to point you in the direction of the Parent Comms App. It is available for both Apple and Android phones. It links directly to the 'School Open Check' system so if the school ever has to close, you will receive an immediate message alerting you to the fact.

School Uniform

One of our School Uniform Suppliers has changed. Where you were able to buy online from Tesco this has now changed to MyClothing. It is the same manufacturer but has moved to a new distributor, MyClothing. The link on the school website has already changed and we have been told that your old log in details should work at the new website. If they don't please either contact MyClothing customer services or, simply sign up again. The link to the new website is:


The prices remain unchanged from previously.

You may still order uniform online from Brigade:


or in person at Lucilla's in Ilford.

Bobby Seagull

Bobby Seagull, a veritable maths genius, TV presenter, radio star, University Challenge contestant, West Ham fan and more importantly a former pupil at a Newham Catholic Primary school and also St Bonaventure's is coming in next Thursday 14th February to talk to the children about how wonderful it is to learn about maths!

Art Week

Art Week is coming soon so keep an eye out for letters asking for different materials that the children will use to create their masterpieces!

Educational Visits

We have had one or two parent/carers commenting on the early starts to the recent visits to the Houses of Parliament and City Hall. Unfortunately we do not have a choice on the time we are admitted to buildings such as these due to safety concerns and overcrowding etc. Wherever possible we endeavour to ensure that educational visits take place wholly within the school day but occasionally visits will require either an early start or a late finish. We thank you for your cooperation and can assure you we will only ask for the children to come in early or arrive back late if it is absolutely necessary.

Most of our educational visits are now paid for online at School Money. However there have been one or two instances recently where the School Office staff have had to call parent/carers to obtain permission for children to take part in a visit as the parent/carer had been unable to get online. If you are having difficulties getting online please pop in to the office and let them know so your permission may be noted and the children may go on the visit.

Calendar on the school website

The School Office have informed us that some parents have mentioned that the calendar on the school website shows an INSET day on Friday 15th February. There is NO INSET DAY before half term. Having spoken to our website developer they have informed us that if you have not refreshed the web page in a while it will still show the calendar that was changed in October. Please be aware that there will not be another whole school day INSET until the next academic year starting in September. The calendar for both 2018/2019 (this academic year) and 2019/2020 (next academic year) are available at:


QR Code for the Newsletter

If you have a QR scanner on your phone, you may scan the QR code below to go straight to the latest newsletter. Be warned it may need a bit of tweaking over the first couple of weeks but with a bit of luck it should give you instant access to the latest newsletter! You may, of course, continue to use this link to access our newsletters:


RE Newsletter

Letter from Major Haw

We would like to share with you a letter from Major Haw of the Coldstream Guards that he sent to us this week:

Unwell Children

Be remember to phone in if your children are unwell and leave a description of their illness. If you know when they will be back please let us know, otherwise please do call in every day to inform us of your child's absence, thank you.

School Fete

We know its a bit early but we are letting you know that there will be a few changes to how the School Fete will operate next June. We are envisaging an 'all in one' payment for a wrist band which will entitle each child to go on as many rides as they wish all day. You will be able to pay via School Money and the option to pay a little every now and then will be available. We are finalising our ideas and plans at the moment but will let you know all the details as soon as we have them!

This Week's Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Jesus has told us to go fish for people. We will go and tell others about Jesus, and trusting him to bring them into the boat.


God Bless You.

Mr Underwood