Story: The Lost Sheep

Story of the Lost Sheep

Watch the video below with your child about the Story of the Lost Sheep. Then, with your child, take some time to reflect on the questions below. Note: These are for your own reflection with your child. Answers need not be submitted.

  1. What did Jesus always tell people about?

  2. What does a Shepherd do when he loses a sheep?

  3. How is God like a Shepherd?

  4. What does God do when we return to Him?

Did you know? ...

The Parable of the Lost Sheep can be found in both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. Click on the links below to read the Parable according to Matthew and Luke. Are there any differences between the way the Parable is shared in Matthew vs. the way the Parable is shared in Luke? What do you think?

Parable of the Lost Sheep According to the Gospel of Matthew: (Click Here)

Parable of the Lost Sheep According to the Gospel of Luke: (Click Here)