How to Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Practice how to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Reconciliation is one of the sacraments of healing. In the sacrament of reconciliation, we confess all of our sins - the things that we do that really are not in line with what God asks of us. God wants us to be loving and caring and patient to one another, but because we are human, we often lose our temper, are rude to one another, say words that are unkind or hurtful. These things leave a mark on us, and they affect others. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is where we can meet Jesus (in the person of the priest) and experience his love, his mercy and his forgiveness. Jesus wants us to come back to him with our hearts, to follow his way of love, and to seek forgiveness when we have done things we know we should not. With your family, review and practice together the steps for receiving communion. You may watch the video below for some help too!

Step 1: Greet the priest when he welcomes you. “Hello Father.”

Step 2: Pray the Sign of the Cross with Father. “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Step 3: Confess your sins to the priest.

Step 4: When you have finished say, “Please forgive me for all my sins and any others I can’t remember.”

Step 5: The priest will give you your penance. Listen to what he asks you to do!

Step 6: Pray an Act of Contrition (Found in the Prayer Guide linked below)

Step 7: Receive absolution (forgiveness) from the priest.

Step 8: Thank the priest and leave the Reconciliation Room or area.

Step 9: Do your penance.

Step 10: Go in Peace knowing God loves you and forgives you of your sins.

Remember: If you or your parents have any questions about this, have your mom or dad e-mail Kate:! I am happy to talk or answer any questions! Below though is a short video that gives us a visual for receiving Reconciliation!

Reconciliation Prayer Guide (Click Here)