Welcome to St Mark's

A warm welcome from our whole community

St. Mark’s Catholic School is founded on the Christian values, expressed in the gospels: peace, truth, justice, reconciliation and love. These values underpin everything that we do within the school and they unite us as a Christian community. We view each person as special and unique and our highly professional staff is dedicated to ensuring that every pupil fulfils their God given potential. St. Mark’s is a truly inclusive community and we celebrate our pupils’ achievements, together with providing outstanding pastoral support. We strive for excellence in all that we do.

We always look forward to welcoming prospective parents and students to our school during open mornings and open evening. We are very pleased to be able to welcome parents and prospective students to St Mark's for face to face open mornings and evenings.

During COVID we created this website with information and videos from students and teachers. While we are very pleased to be able to offer our in person Open Evening, Open Mornings and the tours which come with them; this website can give you a taste of what to expect at St Mark's. Please use the menus on the page to gain an insight into our wonderful school community.