Welcome to Nursery C!


  • Please make sure your child is symptom free when you are dropping off.

  • Please send your child with a clean mask each day, as well as a few spare ones labeled with their name in a clear Ziplock bag. If there is a way to make sure your child's name is on his/her mask that will be most helpful for us. We have noticed that some of the children are using lanyards. If you prefer using one with your child, that is ok with us. We are working on the children putting their mask on independently. Some children are having trouble because their hair is in the way creating difficulty getting the mask on and keeping it in place. Others are having trouble because the lanyard is heavy and pulls the mask down. We understand that this is really not easy and just ask that you work with your child to create the best solution. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

  • Please be patient with us as we navigate this new world together. Communication will be very important. Early on as we work on separation, please give us time to work on adjusting to the classroom and separation anxiety. We will communicate with you as much as possible to alleviate stress on all of us.....children, parents and teachers. Together we can do this!

  • Please bring your child to the bathroom right before you leave for school. We will be trying to manage lots of hand washing and bathroom visits the best way we can!

Nursery C on Halloween

October 2020

Nursery C and The Blessed Mother ❤️

October 2020