Thursday 4th March

9:00am - Morning Message & Storytime

N Thursday message.mp4

Morning Message

A short hello from the Nursery team!

Morning Story

Tabby McTat

9:30am - Registration and Introduction to today's remote learning

Here is the link for our live registration and morning hello :

9:45am Morning Focus Session

It's Talk Time!

(We are building our listening, understanding and speaking skills)

Phase 1 Phonics Focus Session:

What to do:

  • Watch the video below

  • Read the task card

  • Complete the activity

  • Share

N Thursday Phonics.mp4

Oral blending and segmenting

Day 4 Phonics.pdf

Task card


(Maybe it's a dance break or a walk around...)

10:30am - Morning Project Time

Today we are ...

Choose an activity from the choices below. These activities are the same for the whole week.

Choose one for this morning...

Maths Challenge 1: Number

Number sense: To begin to match number and quantity

Activity: You can use an empty recycled box to wrap and then make a dice, using dots 1-6.

Can children use 1:1 correspondence when counting? You can model this for your child and ask them to touch each dot as they count. Can children match the numeral?

This is also a great activity for turn taking.

Early Writing Challenge 1: Pattern time

Can you identify your name? What is the first letter of your name? Can you make that sound?

Activity: To explore letters in my name.

Show children the first letter of their name, can you write it for them and then using small objects children can go over the letter.

Challenge: You could make a sensory bag using a freezer bag with hair gel and food colouring. Put some tape over the top to seal it so it doesn’t make a mess! Can children form the letter with their finger?

Top tip: Not all children will be ready to form letters, this activity is more about children exploring letters from their name. Don’t forget to have fun with it!

Music Challenge 1: Ribbon dancing

Use some ribbons or cut old material into strips. Twirl

them as you move and dance around to music! Make sure you combine different

movements. Twist and turn. Jump and leap. Crouch down low and stretch up high. Make up your own ribbon dance!

Physical development challenge: Yoga Time

Can you join in with ‘Down on the farm yoga’ with cosmic kids.

Click on the link below and have fun on the farm!

Join Jamie on the farm and move in different ways. This can be great fun for everyone

Exploring the World: Go on a Spring hunt in your local area.

Can you recognise some of these places in the local area?

Activity: Go for a walk in your local area and see what you find along the way. Can you find some of those places and more? Perhaps you would like to take a photo and send us!

Challenge: Can you find signs of Spring such as daffodils growing or blossom on the trees?

Or go on a minibeast hunt! What creepy crawlies can you find?

Creative Challenge 1: Spring creation

Activity: To use different materials to make a Spring creation?

You could try making an Easter bunny using cotton wool or even try painting a blossom tree. Don’t forget to share your wonderful creations.


(What great food choices are you making? Don't forget to drink water!)

1:00pm - Afternoon Focus Session

Explore a Story (Book talk)

What to do:

  • Watch the video and participate in the activities along the way

N Thurs

Let's discuss some of the story...

Watch Miss Millie read some more of the story...

Can you re-read the story and make the noises?

Ask your child to listen to the story again, but as the story goes along make the animal sounds! Then have a go drawing a picture of your favourite character/animal.

1:30pm Afternoon Project

Choose an activity from the choices below. These activities are the same for the whole week.

Choose one for this afternoon...

Maths Challenge 2: Exploring shape

Activity: To explore shape and talk about what they look like.

Make some playdough using the simple recipe above.

Can children make different shapes using the playdough? Adults you could draw the shape to help them and encourage children to talk about what it looks like using some of the key vocabulary. For example ‘it has 1,2, 3 pointy corners and 3 sides it’s a triangle.

Key vocabulary: Round, pointy corners, sides, edges, straight, curved

Top Tip: If children name the shape ask them ‘how do you know’?

Challenge: Can you talk about some shapes around your home?

Physical Challenge 2: PE Games

Can you make your own obstacle course at home?

You can jump, hop, side jump, frog jump, slalom!

Have fun and be safe, ask your adult to help you at home.

Creative Challenge 2: Spring Flowers

Can you make some Spring flowers?

You can use paper, straws and materials you have at home to make some beautiful spring flowers. You can even draw around your hand for the petals!

Don’t forget to share your wonderful creations with us.

Exploring the World: Can you explore the world in the colour purple?

You can draw a purple picture! How does it make you feel?

Can you find objects in your home that are purple? Eat purple food today! Get ready to go on a purple journey of discovery!

Sensory mark

Early Writing challenge 2: Sensory mark making

Can you make different patterns in grains or tea/coffee?

You will need a tray to put it in. Use your finger to make lots of different patterns.

Top Tip: You could try this near a light so you can really see the marks you make.

PSED/ RE Challenge:

Palm Sunday

Activity: To know that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. In Jerusalem there were crowds of people and they waved palm leaves at Jesus and welcomed him.

Watch this very short version of the Easter story:

Can you draw a picture of Jesus on the donkey or maybe make a palm leaf?

Remember we are in the special time called ‘Lent’ where we get ready for Easter. Try your best to make good choices and be a good friend and show kindness to others.

3:00pm Afternoon Celebration and Story

Here is the link for our live afternoon celebration and story :