Week of 5-13-24

Week of May 13, 2024, we will begin the I-Ready Math Diagnostic Test. All 7th and 8th grade students must have a calculator, pencil, paper and earphones when working on their I-Ready Math Diagnostic Test. No I-Ready Lessons will be available until the testing is completed.

Thursday, May 16, 2024 - Spring Musical 1:00 in the Church - Students should dress-up for the program. All parents are welcome!

Math (All classes) - NO homework passes allowed during the month of May.  We are continuing to learn new concepts that needed to be practices for optimal success in math. Students need bring their calculator, paper, spiral, ruler, pencil, red pen, and textbook with them to class everyday. Parents and guardians, thank you for your continued support.  

I-READY MATH - Please continue to encourage your child to focus and do his/her best on I-Ready Diagnostic Tests. The Spring Diagnostic I-Ready results will be sent to the high schools of our 7th grade students to help determine proper high school placements. When students are completing I-Ready tests/assignments, they should have a pencil, paper, a calculator, and headphones/earphones for optimal success. 

 If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, and I will contact you, as soon as possible.Thank you, as always, for your support!!!

Have a great week!

 Welcome to my home page.  Please click on the above homework tab  (right side) and use the drop down menu to access the current week's assignments.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at tfiscella@stgerald.com.