Grades 2 - 4

Video Games

To play the game, click the green flag. To stop, click the stop sign.

Directions are below each game.

Charlie Volkmer - Jurassic Space

Move the arrow keys left and right to try and touch the ball.

Brian Ritchie - Rainbow Run

Daniel Sevilla - St. Gabriel Speed Typing

You need to enter the letters of St Gabriel "goal" times when you clicked on the right letters more times than the goal you win!

z resets all values.

Abigail Washburn - Space Attack

Use the arrow keys to move. Try and touch the gem, potion, and key. There are different places you go to get them.

1. Neon Tunnel 2. Nebula 3. Galaxy 4. Stars 5. Moon

Jack O'Donnell - Soccer Match

Click the space bar to shoot. Try to score before the goalie blocks the shot.