Policies and Procedures


I believe that the parent and teacher relationship is one of the most vital components of a student's success. Throughout the year I will be communicating with you through notes, phone calls, emails, parent teacher conferences, and report cards. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. My email is: megan.wise@st-gabrielschool.org and the school number is 440-352-6169.

General Procedures

Take home folders: Please check these every night for notes and your child's work. Please review your student's work with him or her. Also if you are sending any notes or money to school please label it with your child's name and what it is for and place it in this folder.

Arrival: When students enter our room they will hang up their book bags, unpack, turn in any notes, turn in their home folder, and then work on their morning work.

Dismissal: Students will be called to get their home folder, students will be responsible for checking and taking home any papers in their mail box, pack up their book bag and wait to be called to leave.

Room 105's Rules

Be a STAR wherever you are:

  • Show respect

  • Try your best

  • Always work together

  • Responsible and safe choices

Students going above and beyond and being a role model for others will earn a sticker for their star. Once their star is filled with stickers they will become apart of our shooting star club! Students who need a few reminders throughout the day will have to fill out a time to grow sheet. This sheet will be sent home to be signed by a parent and then will need to be sent back to school.