Mrs. Junkman's 

Little Gaels

Welcome to Little Gael Preschool and welcome to Room 113!  

I look forward to working as your partner this year to expand your child's world!

Our class Facebook page has been set up.  You may request to join until September 1, 2023 when it becomes "Secret".  At that time it will only be visible to the teachers and parents of this year's students.  Look for "Mrs. Junkman's Little Gaels 2023/24" and join us!

The only school supply required for preschool is a backpack large enough to hold a full-size folder; the Preschool Grant pays for all other supplies and snacks.

We value your partnership at Little Gael Preschool!  During the school year, you will be invited to help in the classroom with special activities, Small Group activities, or parties.  The Diocese of Sioux City requires that all employees and volunteers be trained in VIRTUS: Protecting God's Children.  Information on this training can be accessed below:


Simple Steps 

to Success

Another short video packed with meaning, shared in one of my  classes  (and now shared with you!).

Talk!  Talk!  Talk!

This video was shared with me in a class I took last summer.  It stresses the importance of talking to your child to develop his/her brain!

What About Technology and Our Kids? 

The Pigeon HAS to Go to School

Here's a great book about going to school featuring one of our favorite characters, Pigeon.  This book was shared in my class; I hope you and your child enjoy it as much as I did!