Local Adolescent Groups

The following agencies provide therapeutic groups for adolescents. Please note that we are not affiliated with any agencies, and that this is not a comprehensive list. We hope that this can serve as a starting point so that you can locate services that work for your family.

  • FLIHH (Marshfield): (781) 834-5750 info@flihh.com

    • Offers several virtual groups (skill-building, support groups, psycho-educational groups, DBT)

  • Inspired (Hanover/South Easton): (781) 924-7171

    • Offers DBT Skills Groups for Young Teens 12-14, Teens 14-17, Young Adults 18-23

  • A New Approach (Canton): Maryellen Newman: m.newman@anewapproach-counseling.com

    • Teen DBT Skills Group (focus on mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness skills, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation)

    • Open enrollment, currently meets virtually on Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm

  • Jeff Butts LICSW & Associates (Boston): (617) 446-5434

    • Offers weekly groups via Zoom (impulsive/disruptive behaviors, frequent mood swings, self-injurious and suicidal behaviors, depression and anxiety, family and peer conflict, anger outbursts and poor coping skills)

    • DBT Skills Groups for Younger Teens 13-16, Teens 14-17, and Young Adults 17-22

  • The PsychED Group (Middleboro): (800) 273-6277 x1 // info@thepsychedgroup.com

    • Offers Anxiety Group for Teens (Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, OCD)