Integrated Information and Intelligence Imaging Lab.
@Soongsil University, EE
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인공지능을 활용한 영상 화질 개선 모델 연구
데이터 전처리를 통한 인공지능 모델의 성능 개선 연구
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(석사/박사/석박통합) 대학원생
(학석통합) 학부생
Latest Research Highlight 🚨
(Published) IEEE ACCESS, 2025.01.22.
Gunwoo Lee1*, Jungmin Lee1*, Minkyo Jung1, Joseph Lee2, Kihun Hong1, Souhwan Jung1, Yoseob Han1,3
1 Department of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea
2 Statistics and Actuarial Science, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea
3 Department of Intelligent Semicondutors, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea
* These authors contributed equally to this work.
News 📰
The following paper has been accepted at IEEE ACCESS.
Gunwoo Lee*, Jungmin Lee*, Minkyo Jung, Joseph Lee, Kihun Hong, Souhwan Jung, and Yoseob Han, "Dual-Channel Deepfake Audio Detection: Leveraging Direct and Reverberant Waveforms."
Professor Yoseob Han selected as one of the World's top 2% scientists.
Geona Lee joined our 4ILab.
Seyeon Jeong joined our 4ILab.
The following paper has been accepted at SIGIR'24.
Yoori Oh*, Yoseob Han*, and Kyogu Lee, "Distance Sampling-based Paraphraser leveraging ChatGPT for Text Data Manipulation." Proceedings of the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2024.
The following paper has been accepted at Physics in Medicine & Biology.
Yoseob Han, "Hierarchical Decomposed Dual-domain Deep Learning for Sparse-view CT Reconstruction." Physics in Medicine & Biology 69.8 (2024): 085019.
Suho Han joined our 4ILab.
Three conference papers has been published at KICS Winter Conference 2024.
[1] Joseph Lee*, Gun Woo Lee*, and Yoseob Han, "CT Physics-based Cross-domain Deep Learning for Low-dose CT Reconstruction", *These authors contributed equally to this work.
[2] Jung Min Lee*, Min Kyo Jung*, and Yoseob Han, "Hierarchical Decomposed Projection-domain Deep Learning for Sparse-view CT Reconstruction", *These authors contributed equally to this work.
[3] Min Kyu Kim and Yoseob Han, "A Study on the Reconstruction Quality of Sparse-View CT According to the Computation Domain of the Loss Function".
Joseph Lee joined our 4ILab.
Jeongmin Lee, Mingyu Kim, Geonwoo Lee, and Minkyo Jeong joined our 4ILab.
"Semi-supervised Learning for Continuous Emotional Intensity Controllable Speech Synthesis with Disentangled Representations" has been published at INTERSPEECH2023.
"Multi-planar 2.5D U-Net for image quality enhancement of dental cone-beam CT" has been published at Plos one.
Yoseob Han joined Soongsil University.