Nursing Overview

Nursing care is provided to students 24/7 when school is in session. Between the hours of 7am and 11pm, the Health Center is open for routine and urgent care. On weekends and between 11pm-7am on weeknights, the RN is on site and available for dispensing medications, emergencies, and to evaluate and care for students needing overnight or inpatient care. The nursing staff consists of 4 full-time RNs and 3 part-time RNs. The Director of Health Services, is also an Advanced Practice Nurse with prescriptive authority. Our school physician serves as a medical director, as well as providing direct care to our boarding students. The level of care provided to students is differentiated by the residential or day status of the student. Nurses perform state mandated screenings, provide education and dispense medications. Additionally they provide preventative, routine and emergency care to all of our students. Our school physician provides standing orders that direct nursing care including pharmacological and nonpharmacological management of our boarding students with health problems. RNs coordinate all boarding students’ health needs, including consultations in the community (i.e specialists, physical therapy, orthodontists). This includes the coordination of parental consents, scheduling, and transportation. Medical management for boarding students is provided on-site by our school physician or by our Advance Practice Registered Nurse. RNs provide emergency care to the entire community and provide referrals to workmen's compensation clinics for our employees. RNs are responsible for documenting the direct care that they provide as well as coordination, consultation, and communication related to the case.