Student Dress Code

Please refer to our Student Handbook on p.12 for more details regarding student dress code.

Pre-k students are asked to purchase a plain navy blue polo to t-shirt from a retailer of your choice.

Shirts are required to be tucked in.

Shirts are required to be tucked in.

· Shorts reach to the knee or longer

· Loose fitting uniform style pants or shorts with no holes or stains

· May not be colored jeans or tight fitting

Cardigan style sweater or simple fleece in solid school approved colors or a long sleeve shirt under uniform. (black, white, red, navy blue or grey)


Shoes are tied and safe for running and playing sports

Dress Code Printable

Dress Code Printable.pdf


(3rd-8th Grade)

6th-8th grade students must have a clear or mesh backpack.  

Friday Spirit Day Dress Code

Fridays are "School spirit" dress days. Students should wear uniform bottoms or jeans (no holes or rips) and an approved "School spirit" shirt.

Below is a list of approved shirts.