School Culture

SST-Northwest’s culture is rooted in our commitment and journey to being a school of character.  is to provide high standards of behavior for students, for all grades, and teach students to demonstrate MAGIC in authentic means.

Making  MAGIC gives meaning to what we do. Our core values of MAGIC, Moral Compass, Accountability, Generosity, Innovation and Citizenship are the fuel behind every decision we make.

At Northwest we believe that each and every member of our community can make MAGIC. We focus on creating everlasting memories that will benefit and inspire our community to pay it forward, thus making MAGIC and spreading our values. Consequently, MAGIC will provide our students with the foundational skills to be well rounded and successful individuals. We believe that self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making help our community implement our core values to their fullest. With these skills our students can focus on the rigorous academic standards our campus has to offer.

SST-Northwest’s discipline system was developed to evaluate student’s character actions (MAGIC). It focuses on giving students multiple opportunities to correct their behavior after a variety of interventions are provided. We also use restorative practices to promote inclusiveness, relationships and problem solving, through restorative methods, such as restorative circles. We believe restorative practices champion our teachers to focus on building positive relationships in their classroom and rebuilding when necessary. The purpose is to decrease office referrals, increase meaningful instructional time, and improve student achievement.

Teachers implement incentive programs to reinforce positive behavior through Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) campus-wide system. When students do not meet campus or classroom expectations, teachers redirect and correct undesired behaviors and are followed with consequences when necessary.

Mrs. Hubbard helping with our toy drive.

Halloween Dress Up Day

Narwhal Nation

Yes, our mascot is a narwhal and we couldn't be more proud of it. 

Narwhals are a medium sized whale that has a large tusk protruding from the top of its head. It is so magical and rare, people believe it is a myth. This is one of the reasons we see ourselves in their flippers. We want our students to be so MAGICAL, smart, and possess great character skills that people think they are a MYTH.

Narwhals also use their toothed tusk to break the thick ice above them when needed. Here at SST Northwest, we want to prepare our student to always strive for the very best. If an obstacle presents itself, our narwhal students will break the mold and persevere.