2023 SST Open House

 Discover Our World of Innovation


27 May 2023

8.30 am - 4.00 pm



1 Technology Drive, Singapore 138572

Get Ready for an Innovative Experience!

We're absolutely thrilled to welcome you to our open house event. Our goal is to showcase the work our students are doing and to give you a taste of the innovative culture that is uniquely us. Visit our interactive sessions with SST parents, students, alumni, and school leaders, where we can connect and share our passion for innovation. We look forward to your presence, and the opportunity to showcase our thrilling world with you.

Student Life @ SST

Discover what students learn beyond the classroom.

 Academic Life @ SST

Immerse in our SST curriculum experience

CCA Showcase

Uncover the plethora of activities that await our students in their Co-curricular Activity (CCCA)

Conversation with SST

Speak to our staff about the SST educational philosophy 

 Student Panel

Engage with our students on their SST student experience

Science Hands-on

Have a hands-on science experiments facilitated by our students

Student Projects

View our students' accomplishments 

Alumni Panel

Hear from SST alumni on how SST influenced their post secondary choices


Want to be an integral part of the school, find out more from ParentForSST