
As we have implemented Compass across the school it makes sense to make use of some features available in Compass.

Compass will continue to be a tool to communicate between school and home. The main features are the News Feed and Class Page.

The Student ID can be found on your child’s Compass profile page (if on the app, tap their photo, if online select ‘Profile’).

The password will be their DOB- Eg 6/09/2008 or 14/11/2008

Google Meet

Google's G Suite for Education is one of DET's preferred learning management tools and is one of the main collaboration and sharing platforms used in Victorian schools. Our school already has deployed our own local version that staff use.

Our local G Suite has been assessed and configured for optimal privacy and security, aligned with DET expectations.

Using Google Meet students can attend online sessions from home using any computer or mobile device with internet access, using a link provided by the teacher.

Assembly will be live streamed using Meet. You will be provided with a link to access this each week. To watch Assembly Live you will need to be logged in with a (student) SSPS account. See the slides below to see how.

How to login to Google Classroom
How To Use Google Meet

Some further online tools will be set up and used during the term to ensure students have the opportunity to connect and share with each other during this time, both socially and for learning tasks. These tools will be shared once professional learning for staff has been completed.

If a parent needs to speak with a teacher, our usual protocols apply.

Parents can email teachers to discuss their child or ask to meet via phone call.