Miss Caruso's 5th grade Class
Dear Parents & Students,
*If we do have a flex day, I will post all work into the Google Classrooms. The students can go to their emails first to see the work there. I might post questions throughout the day to see who is checking. Thank you so much for your patience. Work will be checked the following day. I will answer emails until 2:45. If your child has incomplete work, they will be marked absent.
Progress Reports go home went home yesterday. Please review the grades with your child and come up with a goal for the remainder of the trimester! I would love to hear those goals!
As we are approaching the middle of the year, I want the students to be ready for 6th grade. If the students are missing homework, not prepared for class, or talking during class I will be marking calendars. Calendars should be signed if a child has received a calendar mark.
Attendance update: If your child is not in school, leaving early, or coming in late please email myself and Mrs. D'Angelo in the office.
Spelling: logical, inoffensive, irrational, probable, legal, adequate, offensive, irreplaceable, inaccurate, illogical, accurate, impassable, inadequate, mobile, improbable, rational, illegal, passable, replaceable, immobile.
Vocabulary words:
Go Eagles! Go Flyers! Go Sixers!
Important Information
2/14- No School
2/17-No School
Test/Quizzes of 2/10
Tuesday- Grammar SS Quiz Lessons 69-72 & Social Studies SS Quiz
Thursday- Spelling Test
For Ms. Caruso's Math Class- Simple Solutions Quizzes will be every Monday!