When do preschool children come to school?

All children come to school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

The Morning Class meets 8:00-11:00 am (8:15 tardy)

The Afternoon Class meets 11:55 am-2:55 pm

What supplies does my child need?

  • a school bag big enough for a folder

  • a complete change of clothes kept in a ziploc bag in your child's school bag

  • a water bottle labeled with your child's name

  • an extra mask (if needed)

  • a simple snack

What should my child wear to school?

Your child should wear comfortable and weather appropriate clothing. Your child should wear shoes that allow him/her to move around easily. Your child should NOT wear sandals, crocs, or flip flops.

What should my child bring for snack?

Your child should bring a small, simple, healthy snack that includes 2 foods groups. Some examples are:

  • juice box and crackers

  • apples and pretzels

  • cheese and crackers

  • cut vegetables and dip, crackers

  • a small lunchable

  • yogurt and granola

At this time, we do not have any known allergies in the classroom.

Do preschool classes go outside to play?

Yes, we go outside most days. We would stay inside due to the temperature (wind chill 20 degrees or lower), or if it is raining.

If preschool can't go outside, what do they do?

Preschool classes may go to the gym to play with gross motor equipment (balls, scooters, etc or play a large motor movement game). If preschool classes can't use the gym, the children often participate in GoNoodle movement activities