Disarmament and International Security


Aryan Prasad

Hello! I am Aryan Prasad. I am currently in the 10th grade and in my 7th year of MUN. The MUN community is a vastly diverse group of individuals from all around the world, and a community that nurtures the very diplomacy that runs our world at the highest levels, and I am grateful to be called a member of it. From training delegates to chairing committees, I love every part of it, and I hope to impart my passion for MUN onto the delegates of the 1st General Assembly by serving as their Head Chair.

Deputy Chair

Arsheya Sivakumar

Hi, I am Arsheya, a grade 9 student at UWCSEA EAST. I am thrilled to be the deputy chair of GA1 at this year's SEASAC MUN. Outside school, I enjoy learning political history and playing badminton. I have participated in six MUN conferences, which have enhanced my critical thinking and debating skills. I hope to make this conference enjoyable, enriching, and memorable for all delegates. I look forward to seeing you all!

Chair Reports

2) Tackling the threat of communication and imaging satellites to international security.

GA1_Topic 2.pdf

1) Measures to enhance international anti-terrorist cooperation.

GA1 MUN CHAIR REPORT.docx (2).pdf