We are Happy to be at the SLC!
Cougar Challenge Information
Letter Example
Football Raffle Ticket
Principal for the Day
Firefighter for the Day
Springfield Police Officer for the Day
Morton Police Officer for the Day
Important Dates!
First Grade
Important Dates
10/1-Fire Truck Visit and Mum Pick up
10/2 and 10/31 - Half Day of School 8:45am-11:30am
Please do not arrive to pick up 1st grade until 11:30am. We will be dismissing kindergarten from 11:15-11:30am.
10/4 Go Blue Kickoff and Spirit Day - Wear BLUE 💙
10/10 - Apple Crunch Day
10/17 - Fall Picture Day
10/18 - Cougar Challenge - Wear blue and gold
9:45-10:45 - AM Kindergarten & Main Level
1:00-2:00 - PM Kindergarten, Lower Level, & Upper Level.
10/25 - Halloween Stroll
10:00 - AM Kindergarten & Main Level
1:15 - PM Kindergarten, Lower Level, & Upper Level
10/25 - SLC Trunk or Treat @ SHS
10/31 - Half Day of School
AM Kindergarten
Important Dates
10/1-Fire Truck Visit and Mum Pick up
10/2 - AM Kindergarten Early Dismissal 9:00am - 11:15am
0/4 Go Blue Kickoff and Spirit Day - Wear BLUE 💙
10/10 - Apple Crunch Day
10/17 - Fall Picture Day
10/18 - Cougar Challenge - Wear blue and gold
10/25 - Halloween Stroll
10/25 - SLC Trunk or Treat @ SHS
10/31 - No AM Kindergarten
PM Kindergarten
Important Dates
10/1-Fire Truck Visit and Mum Pick up
10/2 - No PM Kindergarten
0/4 Go Blue Kickoff and Spirit Day - Wear BLUE 💙
10/10 - Apple Crunch Day
10/17 - Fall Picture Day
10/18 - Cougar Challenge - Wear blue and gold
10/25 - Halloween Stroll
10/25 - SLC Trunk or Treat @ SHS
10/31 - PM Kindergarten in morning 9:00am - 11:15am
Breakfast and Lunch Information - 1st Grade
For the safety and privacy of our students, we kindly ask that visitors refrain from standing near the kindergarten playground or looking into glass doors during arrival and dismissal. Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This letter is being sent to reinforce established SLC campus traffic safety and protocols in our parking lot, as well as arrival and dismissal procedures from the front porch. The arrival and dismissal practices work well when we all work together. Our school community of faculty, staff, and parents, has the shared responsibility to model and maintain designated procedures to ensure the safety of our greatest treasure, our children. Please review the following protocols in and share them with any family member or designated driver who transports SLC children to or from school.
First Grade Arrival Time: 8:30-8:45 AM
First Grade Pick Up Time: 3:15 PM
Kindergarten AM Arrival Time: 8:45-9:00 AM
Kindergarten AM Pick up Time: 11:30 AM
Kindergarten PM Arrival Time: 12:45 PM
Kindergarten PM Pick up Time: 3:30 PM
Beginning 9/16/24 - AM Kindergarten - If you are in carline and arrive before 8:45am, we will kindly ask you to loop back around the carline.
SLC Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please DO NOT ENTER from the ETR. You will not be allowed to make a left into the SLC parking lot.
Please enter from Wyndmoor Road entrance and stay to the right. Buses will stay to the left and pick up bus students at the side of the SLC.
The True Jesus Church entrance is used strictly for exit only from our campus. It is posted “DO NOT ENTER.”
Stay in your vehicle. The staff will assist your child getting in and out of the car.
Be a good role model. We are mindful that your children, as well as others, see and hear all that we do. We appreciate the kindness towards others that you demonstrate and share.
If you are running late for arrival, and staff is not outside, you must escort your child into the building. Do not block the driveway.
To ensure student safety and accountability, walkers will use the “Walker Waiting area” by the main entrance to the porch at dismissal. “Walker” students will be dismissed only from the porch entrance near the main doors. During dismissal, please keep the porch clear and stay on the sidewalks.
Speed bumps have been installed to remind us of our speed limit. The speed limit is posted 5 miles an hour at all times on the shared campus of ETR and SLC.
Parking in marked Fire Lanes is strictly prohibited, as well as any parking in the loading dock entrance near the cafeteria porch. It does not matter if someone waits in the car.
Cell phone use on any school campus diminishes your attention and the quality of our children’s physical safety. Please refrain from all cell phone use while in a moving vehicle.
Parking for the SLC is limited to the SLC campus and True Jesus church parking lot. Please do not use the ETR visitor, Handicapped, YMCA, or traveling teacher parking spots. SLC Handicapped parking is for appropriately marked cars. Please help us keep the YMCA and traveling teacher parking spots available for their intended use.
Please be mindful that the orange cones on the SLC parking lot are used to designate “no left turns.” Even if you are running late, follow the route down to True Jesus parking lot, loop around the cars, and continue up to the school queue, curbside.
Follow the flow of traffic through the True Jesus parking lot. All “K” turns or 3 point turns are extremely discouraged.
Please keep your children safely with you as you cross a driveway or parking lot.
Thank you for abiding to these procedures. Our primary focus is keeping all our students and families safe.
Please remember to use the crosswalks when crossing Woodland Ave or out front of the SLC.
Thank you.
Drop off Map
Car Signs
Please make sure that you have your school issued car sign when picking up your child from the SLC. Please have your car sign even if you are picking up your child in the walker waiting area. If you do not have your car sign, please come into the office with a valid ID so we can process it through our Raptor System. If you need more car signs, please email your child's teacher and they will be made that day.
Opportunities may arise this school year where you will be able to visit your child's classroom. Make sure to have your background checks and clearances completed and turned into the main office for you to attend these special events.
Directions for Obtaining Clearances:
Complete Criminal Background Clearance or print and mail an application
Complete Child Abuse Clearance
Complete FBI Fingerprints or 10 year + residents of PA may waive the clearance by submitting an affidavit FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) FINGERPRINT CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECK INSTRUCTIONS: Applicants must register for fingerprints online at: https://www.identogo.com/ (select Digital Fingerprints) Service Code for VOLUNTEERS only: 1kg6zj - $23.25 *cost is subject to change by the state
Upon completion, please be sure to print out confirmation / receipt; clearances should be submitted to the main office of your students’ school building(s).
Thank you!
Important Health Information for Families
Important Dental Information
Home and School Information
Friendly reminder of when to keep your child home:
Please seriously evaluate your child's health and ability to be productive in school when he or she complains of a headache, stomach pain, sore throat, or cold symptoms without a fever. Children often have no fever in the morning, but, as the day progresses, can develop a fever. Keeping your sick child home will help him/her recover sooner and will help to prevent the spread of germs to others. It is important to maintain a healthy environment in the classroom to protect all students. The following symptoms may indicate a contagious illness and your child should be kept at home if any of the following occur:
· Fever of 100° the night prior to or the morning of school; student must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school
· Headache unrelieved by Tylenol or Advil
· Vomiting and/or diarrhea within the past 24 hours; student must be vomit/diarrhea-free for 24 hours before returning to school
· Sore throat lasting 2-3 days; a visit to the doctor may be needed to rule out strep throat.
· Drainage from the eyes; red, itchy, and/or crusty eyes
· Excessive coughing unrelieved by cough drops or cough medicine
· Rash (unless determined to be non-communicable by a physician)
· Abdominal pain
· Dizziness or chills
· Stiff neck or headache not caused by an accident or fall
Having your sick child rest at home with any of the above conditions will likely help with his/her recovery. If symptoms are not relieved by rest, please see your family physician. It will also help to prevent the spread of germs to other students and staff members.
Attendance Information
If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please email the SLC attendance at slcattendance@ssdcougars.org. The email to the attendance line will serve as the excuse note. The absentee hotline number is 610-690-3110. Please leave your message with your child's name and homeroom. When calling the absentee line, you will still have to send in a note for the absence. The Attendance guidelines are posted below. For more information, please feel free to call Mrs. Stienstra at:
Springfield School District
Springfield, PA 19064
Administrative Regulations
1. Excused Absences
State law establishes conditions under which any child may be excused from attendance at school. In keeping with these statutes and recommendations of the State Department of Education, students in the Springfield Schools may be excused temporarily from school attendance for the following reasons:
a) Sickness
b) Quarantine
c) Death in the immediate family
d) Inclement weather that would endanger the health of the child or make roads impassable
e) For observance of a major religious holiday - In instances of requests to be excused from school attendance for observance of a religious holiday, the school administration shall excuse absences only for those days on the list of major religious holidays published by the State Department of Education.
f) Student educational workshop/seminar/visit (college visit, student presentation, etc.) with the approval of Administration:
• Failure to receive prior approval for such trip may result in the absence from school being regarded as unexcused
• Advanced approval required
• Student must be in good academic standing and attendance
• It is the student's responsibility to make up completely any
required assignments missed during such trip.
• It is also the student's responsibility to submit all assignments to
the appropriate teacher upon return to school.
g) Family Vacations -Students are excused five (5) days maximum per year • Excused family vacation days are counted as excused absences and are subject to the procedures for 10 cumulative days or more. (See section C)
h) For other exceptional reasons with the approval of Administration
State law requires a written explanation from the parent/guardian in each instance of school absence, lateness, or early dismissal. Parents are requested to notify the school of the student's absence prior to the start of the school day. In the event a call is not received, a school representative may attempt to contact the parents to confirm that the child is legitimately absent.
2. Communication and Documentation
a) In cases where the school administration believes that absences due to illness are chronic or irregular, the school administration may request a physician's statement certifying that such absences are medically justified.
b) Absences must be reported to the appropriate school's attendance office to ensure student safety. In addition, written notes are required. Notes must be submitted within 3 days after return from an absence. The absence of any student failing to comply with this time period will automatically become unexcused and the school laws of Pennsylvania shall be applied accordingly.
c) The School Attendance Register, Department of Public Instruction, is the official manual on matters of ATTENDANCE
d) Absences for a portion of the school day and tardiness will be considered on a cumulative basis and may translate into equivalent days. Unexcused absences shall include absences which result from parental neglect and illegal employment.
Springfield School District
3. Make Up Work
a) Students will be permitted to make-up work missed during periods of excused absences only. Students should make prior arrangements with teachers prior to field trips.
b) Students will be permitted one (1) school days for each day of excused absence to make-up schoolwork missed during the period of absence. For absences in excess of five (5) school days, alternate arrangements may be made with individual teachers. The same time line applies to homework.
c) Students who do not make-up work in the approved time period, shall forfeit the right to receive academic credit for work missed during the period of absence. d) Any student whose absence is unexcused or who cuts a class shall have no opportunity to make-up the schoolwork missed.
1. Unexcused Absences
It is important for parents to realize that other reasons for missing school, such as those listed below, will result in an unexcused absence or lateness. This list includes but is not limited to:
a) Oversleeping
b) Missing the bus
c) Babysitting
d) Shopping
e) Participating in private hobbies, lessons, or non-school sponsored activities/competitions
f) Studying for an examination or preparing a term paper
g) Habitual car problems
h) Family vacations that are not pre-approved or exceed the excused five (5) days
i) Unauthorized or unsubstantiated college visitations
Absences not listed above or approved on a special basis by the school administration shall be unexcused. After 3 or more unexcused absences a student will be considered truant (See Administrative Regulations for Unexcused Absences Procedures).
Students who are absent have three (3/ school days after their return to submit a written absence note to the attendance office in order to have the absence excused. Failure to do so will result in having that absence permanently coded as unexcused.
2. Missed Work Due to Unexcused Absence
The student will NOT be permitted to make up classwork or assignments, or receive credit for tests, quizzes, or work missed due to the unexcused absence.
Springfield School District
The following procedures shall be followed in administering the Springfield School District's attendance procedures in regard to absences:
1. Students who are absent more than 5 consecutive days or 10days cumulatively require a doctor's note to excuse the absence.
2. The parents/guardians of students who miss 10 cumulative days or more, regardless of the nature of the absences shall be notified in writing of the student's absence record.
3. A parent/guardian conference may be requested by the administration when a student has missed a total of 15 days regardless of the nature of the absences. 4. Excessive absences may result in administrative recommendations regarding grade retention or other action, which may be made in writing to the Superintendent.
Every lateness will be UNEXCUSED unless the student comes to school with an acceptable excuse note from the parent or guardian. (See reasons listed in the Excused Absences paragraph for which students may be temporarily excused from school attendance). Unexcused lateness's (10 or more) may result in administrative recommendations regarding grade retention or other action, which may be made in writing to the Superintendent.
1. Elementary Level
At the elementary level, accrued school time missed due to excessive lateness or early dismissals may be treated in equivalence to days of absence, which would be counted into the total absences.
2. Middle School Level
At the middles school level, three tardies will amount to disciplinary action in the form of detention. Frequent lateness's may result in Saturday school, a parent conference, or other disciplinary action.
3. High School Level
At the high school level, three tardies will amount to disciplinary action in the form of detention. Frequent lateness's will result in disciplinary action as assigned by administrator.
1. In order to participate in or attend any after-school activities (sports practices or contests, play rehearsals or performances, concerts, proms, etc.), a student must be in attendance during the entire school day on which that activity takes place.
2. An unexcused absence on the day prior to a weekend or holiday activity will cause the student to be excluded from participating in any extracurricular activity during that weekend or holiday.
3. Emergency or extraordinary situations must be cleared with the appropriate school administrator.
1. Frequent or prolonged absence, without satisfactory reason, or willful violation of the compulsory attendance laws, shall be handled in conformity with the procedures stated in the Pennsylvania School Code. (See appropriate grade level procedures)