Scenic Cougar Paws

January 22, 2025

Important Dates & Reminders

Winter Intramurals Began- Tuesday, 1/21

Winter Intramurals started this week and run through February 28. Parents who successfully signed their student up received information from the coach last week.

Scenic Clubs

Black History Month Poster Contest- Entries due Monday, 1/27

The Media Area Unit NAACP is sponsoring a poster contest to commemorate Black History Month, and Scenic Hills students have the opportunity to participate. Interested students can complete their poster independently and submit their entry to Ms. Barnes by January 27. Please find more details below.

Black History Month Contest 2025.pdf

PIMS Meeting- Monday, 1/27 @ 7PM at ETR

🎶Attention 4th and 5th grade Parents of Instrumental Music Students (PIMS)🎶

The Springfield School District Music Program is successful due to the combined efforts from talented and caring teaching staff and administration, hard-working and talented students ... and you, the parents!

Please mark your calendar for our upcoming PIMS meeting for parents of 4th and 5th grade music students:

Monday, January 27 - 7:00pm

ETR Instrumental Music Room #160

Please consider attending so you can hear more about how you can get involved the rest of this year. Thank you!

Family Bingo Night Ticket Sales- Monday, 2/3 @ 7PM


Kids Heart Challenge 2025- Now through February 12th. 

Students have started the Kids Heart Challenge with Mr. Patella in gym class. This year’s goal is $13,500. Please see the flier below for more information about this year's program.

2025 KHC Start Up.pdf

Half Day for Students- Wednesday, 2/12

Presidents Day Holiday- Monday, 2/17

School Closed

Lost & Found 

Please mark your child's belongings (coats, sweatshirts, lunch box, water bottles, etc.) with their first and last name or last initial. This will help us get any items lost to their owner and help keep accumulation of lost items to a minimum.

PSSA Dates

Scenes from Scenic

Learning about money, plot, annotating text, types of verbs, volcanoes and earthquakes, & self portraits. Having fun in craft club, lego club and bracelet making!

Community Events

First Annual SHS STEM Night- Tuesday, 2/11

Learn more about this exciting event by clicking on the flier.

SHS Stem Night Flyer.pdf

SAVE THE DATE- Springfield Bands together Vertical Concert

SHS is excited to be hosting band alumni under the direction of Kevin Cooper for our Springfield Bands Together Vertical Concert. The performance will feature all SHS Concert Bands, grades 4-12, and this alumni band.  Band alumni from all years are invited to participate. The band will rehearse in the morning on 4/27/25, have a lunch provided, and then perform at the afternoon concert. Times are still being finalized but we want you to save the date! 


Those interested should complete the google form for further contact:

Scenic Hills Home and School

Yearbook Purchasing Information 


yearbook ordering.pdf

Scenic Hills Yearbook Art Contest Entries Due- Friday, 2/7

The yearbook committee from the Scenic H&S is accepting entries for our annual yearbook art contest. This year's theme is "Believing in Yourself is a Recipe for Success." Please read the flier below for more information. Entries are submitted to the main office.

Art Contest Flyer 2024-2025.pdf

SSD Elementary Schools Phillies Day- Sunday, 5/4

Save the Date! Ticket information will be available soon.

2024-2025 Home & School Meeting Dates

All meetings take place in the Scenic Hills LMC.

Scenic Hills Home and School 2024-2025 Executive Board

President: Jessica Regan -   

Vice President: Samantha Pantalone

Treasurer: Kellie Mignogna

Secretary: Sara DiGiorgio

Breakfast and Lunch Menus

ELE Break January 2025.pdf
ELE Lunch January 2025.pdf

Inclement Weather Information


Recess is an important time of the day.  We do our best to get our students outside everyday for play and socialization. We use the chart below to help make decisions about recess on days when necessary. Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather.  

weatherwatch (2).pdf

Two Hour Delay Schedule Information

Below are reminders about the 2 hour delay schedule.

Virtual Learning Days Information

In the event of a school closing, SSD may opt to run a virtual learning day. Below is information about SSD virtual learning days. The Springfield School District schools will use an asynchronous format.  As the asynchronous format will vary by grade level, please review the information below and in the pdf to the right as it pertains to your child.  

IMPORTANT: Ms. Scelfo will email an attendance google form link on the morning of the virtual day. This form and assignments must be completed for your child to be considered present for that day.  

Virtual Learning Days.pdf

2024-2025 Calendars

24-25 Elementary Cycle Day Calendar.pdf


Attendance: To report a student's absence, 

Please Note: 

Reminder From the Elementary Student Handbook about birthdays and invitations...

We recognize the importance of celebrating student birthdays, and we love to honor our birthday children by announcing their names on the morning announcements. Our teachers take great pride in making their students feel important on their birthdays as well. If you would like to send in something special to mark your child’s birthday, please send an item for the classroom such as a favorite book (signed and dated by your child) or other trinkets such as pencils, erasers, stickers, and the like. Due to the growing number of allergies and health concerns for our students, we ask that you please do not send in food treats for your child’s birthday. 

Invitations for parties or other private events may not be distributed in classrooms, on school buses, or on school property. Your cooperation in this matter is critical to create a supportive atmosphere for each child and not one in which the feelings of any child are placed in jeopardy.

Helpful Information

Scenic Hills Arrival and Dismissal Safety 2024-2025.pdf

Arrival and Dismissal Safety

Car Line Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures 2024-2025.pdf

Car Line Procedures

Letter to Households 2024-2025.pdf

Free & Reduced Lunch Information

Immunization Letter (updated 22-23).pdf

Immunization Information

SSD Publicity and Photo Release 2024.pdf

Photo Release Information

Pest Management Parent Letter_2024-2025.pdf

Pest Management Information

Dental Letter (Updated23-24).pdf

Dental Examination Information

absence instructions 24.25.pdf

Absence Instructions

Accessing i-Ready from Home

Did you know you can access i-ready from home? Below are details of what is needed.

PennDOT - Pennsylvania's School Bus Stopping Law.pdf

**Please Note:  For IPhone/IPad Users: PDF files will only open in Safari on iPhone 7 and the latest version of iPad.  The workaround for this is to open in Chrome and bookmark the page for future use. Chrome is available to download free in the app store.