
The Big Ideas Math Advanced series allows students to complete the Common Core State Standards for grades 6, 7, and 8 in two years. After completing this series, students will be ready for Algebra 1 in the eighth grade. The Big Ideas Math Advanced series uses the same research-based strategy of a balanced approach to instruction that made the Big Ideas Math series so successful. This approach opens doors to abstract thought, reasoning, and inquiry as students persevere to answer the Essential Questions that introduce each section. The foundation of the program is the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice. Students are subtly introduced to “Habits of Mind” that help them internalize concepts for a greater depth of understanding. These habits serve students well not only in mathematics, but across all curricula throughout their academic careers.

Big Ideas Math exposes students to highly motivating and relevant problems. Woven throughout the series are the depth and rigor students need to prepare for career-readiness and other college-level courses. In addition, Big Ideas Math prepares students to meet the challenge of PARCC and Smarter Balanced testing.

We consider Big Ideas Math to be the crowning jewel of 30 years of achievement in writing educational materials.