Distance Learning Block Schedule

Block schedule

Monday- Thursday schedule.

Fridays- Distance Learning days. Independent work , no schedule. Teachers will communicate with students directly to provide work. One on one student support will be scheduled by teachers, as needed. Davening with Rabbi Hollander will still take place starting at 8:30 am, using the Friday Davening Zoom link below.

Group A

8-8:45 - *Davening

Block 1: 8:45 - 9:55

Mon-Thurs: Humanities

Block 2: 9:57 - 11:07

Mon/ Wed: Math


  • *Yahadut

  • Talmud

Advisory: 11:07- 11:37

Block 3: 11:42 - 12:52

Mon/Wed: Science

Tues/Thurs: Hebrew

Lunch: 12:52- 1:22

Block 4: 1:27 - 2:37

Mon/Wed: Jewish Knowledge

Tues/Thurs: Chumash

PE/ Elective Rotation: 2:43 - 3:15

Group B

8-8:45 - *Davening

Block 1: 8:45 - 9:55

Mon-Thurs: Humanities

Block 2: 9:57 - 11:07

Mon/Wed: Talmud

Tues/Thurs: Math

Lunch: 11:07- 11:37

Block 3: 11:42 - 12:52

Mon/Wed: Hebrew

Tues/Thurs: Science

Advisory: 12:52- 1:22

Block 4: 1:27 - 2:37

Mon/Wed: Chumash

Tues/Thurs: Jewish Knowledge

PE/ Elective Rotation: 2:43 - 3:15