Policies and Procedures

Digital citizenship

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level.

To put it simply, be responsible and respectful online.

Late Work

Late work will only be accepted if it is COMPLETE, incomplete work will be handed back until it is completed.

Late work will be accepted, but will be labeled as late and 10% of the total points for the assignment will be deducted.

Please note: If you have communicated with me about the assignment, exceptions will be made under certain circumstances.

I will be FLEXIBLE, if you will be ACCOUNTABLE.


As a Junior High Student, it is up to you to be accountable for your workload. You will be provided with a daily/weekly/monthly agenda so you can stay organized and make sure you are turning in all your assignments on time. Set aside enough time each day at home to check on your planner and make sure you have your homework and projects complete and you are prepared for school each day. Mr. Bristol and I have joined our agendas together to make it easier to look at your assignments.

If missing work becomes an issue, you will be required to get a daily or weekly agenda signature from a parent.

Cell Phone Policy

  • 1st offense: Verbal Warning

  • 2nd offense: You give me the phone for the day.

  • 3rd offense: You take your phone to the office and a parent or guardian needs to pick it up.

  • 4th offense: You drop your phone off in the office every day and pick it up at the end of the day.

Cell phones are to be off and in your backpack at all times during the day. If we see it in your pocket we can confiscate it, better to not risk it.

Apple watches will be treated as cell phones.


The mountain is tall, but the view from the top is worth the climb!

This year has the potential to be unforgettable, it is what you make of it! I expect you to rise to the challenge and be prepared to learn more about yourself then ever before. When you are frustrated and on the brink of giving up, remember your brain is a muscle and each challenge you face just makes you stronger. You can do anything you put your mind to!