Categories and Grading Scale (Total Points)

All work is graded based on the mastery level demonstrated. Grades are posted on PowerSchool. All work is weighted equally.


Mastery Level Student Statement     Grade       Percentage

     Exceeds Standard A 100 - 90%

     “I can teach this to someone else.”

          Meets Standard B 89 - 80%

     “I can complete this on my own.”

          Approaches Standard C 79 - 70%

     “I can complete this with some help.”

          Below Standard D 69 - 60%

     “I can try to complete this.”

          Incomplete F 59 - 00%

     “I have not yet tried this.”

*Work that completes everything as expected is graded as meeting standard (B).


Most assignments can be found in each student's Google Classroom under classwork.  Due dates, points and grades are listed in PowerSchool.

Google classroom will show assignments.   Powerschool will give the specific due dates, grades, and show what each student is responsible for completing.

Commonly used WEBSITE links:

Students can log into their CLEVER accounts to access all the sites/apps they need.