Get Involved

Support our Chapter

Our TeamMates Chapter is gracious for the support we receive from our district staff and community members. Please consider contributing a monetary gift to the South Sioux City Chapter. The "Donate to our Chapter" button will take you directly to the giving page. To ensure your gift goes directly to our Chapter, please be sure to select South Sioux City under the designation tab.

Become a Mentor for our Students

We need mentors! In order to accommodate the number of students who are interested in being part of TeamMates, we need more mentor volunteers. To get started, you will need to ensure you fulfill the requirements set by TeamMates and complete the online application. Please click "Become a Mentor" to get the process started.

Become a Student Mentee

Interested in becoming part of the TeamMates program as a student? Students in grades 3-12 are nominated by a school staff member or themselves. Once a nomination is received, a brief conversation takes place between the student and the TeamMates Coordinator. Parent permissions must be received before a student can join TeamMates. Click "Become a Mentee" below to find more information.