Category 3: Access


Ensure student equity through coordinated support of resources and curriculum


        1. The Technology Department and Ed Services will collaborate regularly to ensure alignment of educational goals and technology resources and support. (Meeting notes documentation and validation. )
        2. The district will evaluate programs and funding on an ongoing basis, to ensure that we are allocating resources in a way that enables all students to have equitable access to appropriate technology tools. (Use Resource Manager database for Asset inventory, Use survey tools for both parents and students pertaining to technology access outside of school)
        3. Schools will have current technology devices available in the classrooms in a ratio that supports learning goals using online materials. Schools will have in-class devices available for students to use when appropriate.
        4. Technology department and site staff will maintain an accurate accounting of student devices. (Meraki, Active Directory, Microsoft System Center. Resource Manager)
        5. Technology department will work with ed services and sites to maintain an accurate accounting of software and online instructional materials licenses. (Use Chalk form for approval and inventory. Annual review of site specific programs to determine if they are district wide. )
        6. The district will establish equipment standards for district-funded technology devices and communicate to schools and departments. (District ordering form online, Technology Ed Showcase. )
        7. The district technology department will ensure fast, reliable network performance. (Solar Winds, Cati, send out reports to sites.)
        8. The district will continue to expose students to career technical education (CTE) pathways. (Run reports in IC; Verify Counselor training sessions are offered preferably in January. )


All staff will have access to technology tools and skills training necessary for their job.


        1. The district will provide funding to support a 4-5 year refresh cycle for staff technology devices. (District budget)
        2. The district will ensure that all staff have access to, and knowledge of how to use, a universal single sign-on service (Portal), to enable access anywhere at anytime. (Portal stats )
        3. District will implement an “on-boarding” process for new staff to include training in relevant systems. (District tech device allotment procedure. Site based procedures. )
        4. District will provide access to online tutorials and support documentation, and a catalog of ongoing, hands-on training courses for staff. (Technology website)
        5. District will have appropriate level of FTEs for information systems. (Review of Help Desk tickets)
        6. Staff hired for positions will have appropriate level of technology skills. (Review of job postings)


Reliable, high-speed access for mobile computing throughout the district.


      1. The district will establish a plan for continuous upgrades of network infrastructure/backbone to support high-speed, high-capacity wired and wireless access. (District budget)
      2. The district will continue to add wireless capacity within all learning spaces (including outdoors) as demand increases to ensure that all students and staff have access to wireless services throughout each campus. (# number of access points/ classroom, helpdesk tickets related to WiFi)
      3. The district will sustain network capability for the use of personal devices (BYOD access) at all facilities. (Uptime for BYOD network)
      4. The district will sustain and support increased use of web portal to ensure off-site student and staff access to resources. (Portal stats)


The district will continue to support home/school communication systems, which efficiently provide information to families such as student attendance, academic progress, emergency notifications, general news, etc.


      1. Maintain consistency with messaging (Website audits, Surveys)
      2. Develop a district communications master plan (Publication of Communication Plan)
      3. Develop plans for disaster recovery, emergency communications and business continuity. (Drills, Test Calls )


The district will continue to partner with parent organizations to support collective efforts in allocating resources which build staff and student capacity, and which foster strong community.


    1. Maintain communication with partner groups through meetings and committee work. (Participation Numbers, Volunteer Hours, Community Sponsorship )
    2. Parent ed and outreach about pedagogy and student skills. (Minutes/Agendas from PTA events)


The district will provide sufficient technical support resources to ensure high performing, reliable instructional and operational technologies, hardware, software and systems.


    1. Ensure that sites have sufficient technical support to match their needs. (Staff audits; equitable staffing looking at ADA as well as inventory quantities )
    2. Maintain district technology support staff.
    3. The district will maintain a high performing district network with redundancy to ensure close to 100% uptime and sufficient bandwidth for all users. (Monthly reports about bandwidth shared with IT department)
    4. Ensure safe and secure networks. (Create and monitor cybersecurity plan. Log all successful intrusions into the network. )
        1. Content filtering
        2. Virus protection
        3. Intrusion protection
        4. Security audits
    5. Ensure student and staff data privacy and security. (Participation in CA Student Data Privacy Consortium, monitoring student privacy agreements. Usage of InformedK12 parent permission forms. )