Mindful Test Taking

Are you nervous about taking tests?
Try this quick "Mindful Test Taking" technique (steps below) before your next exam.

The night before your test, do NOT cram. Get rest, get good nutrition, and drink plenty of water. Sleep matters and is much more important than any "cram" session.

The morning of your test before coming to school - eat breakfast, drink water, and turn off the worries. You know what you know, and you will do your best (and that is enough)

Arriving at the room for your test - As you enter the room, pull out what you need for your test, and put everything else away. Plan to arrive early so you can take a moment to get settled. Bring your pencils, stay hydrated, get some sleep the night before - and then arrive ready - and get "present" with a little mindfulness.

Why Mindfulness: Mindfulness affects our brain. When we are nervous or anxious, chemicals are released in our brain that can prevent us from thinking clearly. Doing a little mindfulness before or during a test calms you down and helps your ability to think and remember