About Mrs. G.

Mrs. Goldenberg - NOW

Mrs. Goldenberg  - THEN
"Chelli Pavao"
North Salem High School   
Class of 1991

Name:  Mrs. Rachelle P. Goldenberg, MSW, ASW     ASW106597

My Job: School Social Worker and Wellness Center Coordinator

My Location: The Zen Den | Wellness Center @ Cal High

Pronouns: She, Her, Hers

Hometown: Wrangell, Alaska 

High School Alma Mater: North Salem High School (Salem Oregon) - Go Mighty "Viks" (Vikings). 

What I was like as a high school student: I was an active student in many clubs, sports, and activities, and on the honor roll. I was very into performing and sang in Concert Choir, the Vik Singers (Jazz Choir), and I played the cello in Orchestra as well asin the Salem Youth Symphony. I also marched with the  Viking Color Guard and the Argonauts Marching Band as a rifle. In addition to music, I was an athlete and played many sports to include volleyball, basketball, softball, and earned my varsity letter in swimming (and music). I The clubs I enjoyed being part of were the Natural Helpers, International Club, and Leadership but I never held an elected position

Colleges: Bachelors of Sociology, Masters of Social Welfare
University of Oregon, Bachelor of Arts with Honors in Sociology emphasis on Race Studies and minor in Ethnic Studies. Proud "Brother" of Alpha Phi Omega, the Dean's Council on Race, the Dean's List, Native American Student Union Co-Director, Student Government, University Housing Resident Assistant, and Jewel Harrison Bell Scholar, University Centurian, and USSA Delegate to Washington DC.
University of California, Master of Social Welfare - Title IV-E Scholar with Children and Families Emphasis and a Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPS).

How did you come to Cal High:  Prior to this I was the National Director for Indian Child Welfare for the Child Welfare League of America, and spoke to congress, state legislators, and lots of people in big buildings across the country. It wasn't half as fun as what I do now. I missed working with teens every day so after 20 years in public policy and other areas of Social Work, I decided I really wanted to work with teens again and looked at an interest I had as a teen.

My favorite adults in High School were my music teachers (Mr. Ogo, and Mr. Elliott) and the activities director  named Mr. Turman (we called him Mr. T). I always thought doing his job would be cool - he was kind of like a school social worker, and the closest thing around at SRVUSD to doing what he did when I first arrived was a position as a school counselor which I did for 5 years.

Just recently, the district decided to open the Wellness Center programs and the programs included a new type of Social Worker position that was a lot like what I really wanted to do. So now, I get to live my dream to b actually use my degree in the way I had trained for!   I get to walk in the footsteps of my high school "favorite person" and because he was "Mr. T", that's how I became Mrs. G - your Wellness Center coordinator and School Social Worker. In this role I get to I hope to be 1/10th as cool as Mr. T was. 

What is the best part of your job: My favorite part of this job is being able to have those real conversations with students like you to help as you make decisions about life now and your future. High School is an exciting time for teens, and I am truly grateful to be a part of the path to your future. I do everything I can to always keep my door open for you, and try to come up with great ways to support as many students as I can!

Tips for success at Cal High: Be present. What that means is when you arrive on campus, turn off the phone. Put away thoughts of home, and become a part of the campus community. Have real, face-to-face interactions with your classmates and teachers, and find your purpose and your passions. Choose to participate in the clubs, sports, or even just the positive social interactions on campus and BE here in mind as well as the body. You only have this time in your life once, and why not make it something to remember, something extraordinary by exploring your authentic interests. Make this time matter, and memorable. (This is why we turn off phones in the Zen Den) 

Tell us something else about you:  When I am not here helping you, I spend my time going to my own son's baseball games, singing with the Blackhawk Chorus, Practicing with our staff band "Partial Credit", or playing Bocce. I also enjoy "experiences". You can see me attending various professional sports events, and going to live concerts. Yes. Really. Mrs. G goes to a LOT of events, so keep an eye out for me at the next 49ers game, Giants Game, Warriors Game, or perhaps even that rock concert. I'd be happy to give you a high five or a fist bump when I run into you there. Experiences are the spice of life.