

I Have Two Moms

Having a family member or caregiver who openly identifies as LGBTQ is becoming more common. It’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, because it reflects the different types of families that exist. However if you have an LGBTQ family member or caregiver, you may feel like you are different from other kids at school. Your friends’ families might look different, or you may not see your family represented in what you are learning in school. You may even hear hurtful things said about LGBTQ people. You are not alone. There are lots of kids who have LGBTQ family members, and most people generally know someone who is LGBTQ, even if they’re not in that person’s family. 

History of Pride

Why do we celebrate Pride? Where does it come from? Watch Pop'n'Olly Learn and discover what happened on June 28th 1969. Learn about the Stonewall Inn and the event which helped pave the way for LGBT+ Liberation. What else does this lesson teach us?

History of the Rainbow Flag

The Rainbow Flag is the international symbol of the LGBT+ community, but where did this design come from?

Why Share Your Pronouns?

Three great reasons why sharing your pronouns is an effective way for allies to support people whose pronouns may not be as obvious. 

Toilets, bowties, gender and me - TEDxAdelaide

Hear Audrey Mason-Hyde's story about gender.

Additional Resources