

Trainings/ Online Courses

Introduction To HTML5

Coursera, Online

Jul 2021 - Aug 2021

This course is about HTML5. In this course I have learnt about HTML5 and its syntax, tags, fonts, tables, etc. The skills gained from this course are:

  • HTML5

  • Web Designing

  • Web Accessibility.

Link of Completion Certificate:

Programming For Everybody (Getting Started With Python)

Coursera, Online

Jun 2021 - Jul 2021

This course is about Python. In this course I have learned how to make simple

and basic programs using Python Programming Language. I have made some

projects as well using the knowledge that I get from this course which are also

mentioned in my resume. The skills gained from this course are:

  • Basics of Python Programming

  • Python Syntax And Semantics

  • Data Structures

Link of Completion Certificate:

SQL for Data Science

Coursera, Online

Aug 2021 - Aug 2021

This course is about SQL. In this course I have learnt different SQL commands which will help in database management and data science. The skills gained from this course are:

  • SQL/SQLite

  • Data Science

  • Data Analysis

  • Database Management

Link of Completion Certificate: