18BMC303J Biomedical signal Processing

 Training: Train the neural network using your training dataset. Use the train function, which takes the network object, training data, and training options as input. Training options include the number of epochs, mini-batch size, and more.

 Validation: Validate the trained network on a separate validation dataset to monitor its performance and avoid overfitting. MATLAB's training process will provide validation results.

 Testing: Evaluate the network's performance on a testing dataset to assess its generalization.

 Performance Analysis and Fine-Tuning: Analyze the performance metrics and, if necessary, fine-tune the network architecture, hyperparameters, or data preprocessing steps to improve performance.

 Save the Trained Model: Save the trained neural network model using the save function for later use.

 Deployment: Deploy the trained network to make predictions on new, unseen data. You can load the saved model using the load function.

% Load normal ECG signal (replace 'rec_1m.mat' with the actual filename)

normal_ecg_struct = load('100m.mat');

normal_ecg = normal_ecg_struct.val;  % Extract the ECG data

% Load abnormal ECG signal (replace '100m.mat' with the actual filename)

abnormal_ecg_struct = load('16265m.mat');

abnormal_ecg = abnormal_ecg_struct.val;  % Extract the ECG data

% Sampling frequency (adjust to match your data)

Fs = 1000;  % Assuming a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz

% Create time vectors for the x-axis

t_normal = (0:length(normal_ecg) - 1) / Fs;

t_abnormal = (0:length(abnormal_ecg) - 1) / Fs;

% Add Gaussian noise to both normal and abnormal ECG signals

mean_noise = 0;

std_dev_noise = 0.1;

noisy_normal_ecg = normal_ecg + std_dev_noise * randn(size(normal_ecg)) + mean_noise;

noisy_abnormal_ecg = abnormal_ecg + std_dev_noise * randn(size(abnormal_ecg)) + mean_noise;

% Define filter parameters

order = 6;               % Filter order

cutoff_frequency = 0.5;  % Cutoff frequency (in Hz)

% Design the Butterworth filter

[b, a] = butter(order, cutoff_frequency / (Fs / 2), 'high');

% Apply the filter to the noisy normal and abnormal ECG signals

filtered_normal_ecg = filter(b, a, noisy_normal_ecg);

filtered_abnormal_ecg = filter(b, a, noisy_abnormal_ecg);

% Extract statistical data (e.g., mean, median, standard deviation)

mean_normal = mean(filtered_normal_ecg);

median_normal = median(filtered_normal_ecg);

std_dev_normal = std(filtered_normal_ecg);

mean_abnormal = mean(filtered_abnormal_ecg);

median_abnormal = median(filtered_abnormal_ecg);

std_dev_abnormal = std(filtered_abnormal_ecg);

% Display statistical data

fprintf('Statistical Data for Normal ECG:\n');

fprintf('Normal Mean: %.4f\n', mean_normal);

fprintf('Normal Median: %.4f\n', median_normal);

fprintf('Normal Standard Deviation: %.4f\n\n', std_dev_normal);

fprintf('Statistical Data for Abnormal ECG:\n');

fprintf('Abnormal Mean: %.4f\n', mean_abnormal);

fprintf('Abnormal Median: %.4f\n', median_abnormal);

fprintf('Abnormal Standard Deviation: %.4f\n', std_dev_abnormal);

% Plot the original and filtered ECG signals for normal and abnormal cases


subplot(2, 2, 1);

plot(t_normal, noisy_normal_ecg);

title('Noisy Normal ECG Signal');

xlabel('Time (s)');


subplot(2, 2, 2);

plot(t_normal, filtered_normal_ecg);

title('Filtered Normal ECG Signal (Butterworth)');

xlabel('Time (s)');


subplot(2, 2, 3);

plot(t_abnormal, noisy_abnormal_ecg);

title('Noisy Abnormal ECG Signal');

xlabel('Time (s)');


subplot(2, 2, 4);

plot(t_abnormal, filtered_abnormal_ecg);

title('Filtered Abnormal ECG Signal (Butterworth)');

xlabel('Time (s)');


linkaxes;  % Link the x-axes for easier comparison

% Generating example data

rng(42);  % Set random seed for reproducibility

X = randn(100, 10);  % Replace with actual input features

y = randi([0, 1], 100, 1);  % Replace with actual labels (0 or 1)

% Split the data into training and testing sets

splitRatio = 0.8;

splitIdx = round(splitRatio * size(X, 1));

X_train = X(1:splitIdx, :);

y_train = y(1:splitIdx);

X_test = X(splitIdx+1:end, :);

y_test = y(splitIdx+1:end);

% Create a feedforward neural network

net = feedforwardnet([10, 5]);  % Two hidden layers with 10 and 5 neurons

% Set up training options

net.trainParam.epochs = 100; = 0.01;

% Train the neural network

net = train(net, X_train', y_train');

% Make predictions on the test set

predictions = sim(net, X_test') > 0.5;

% Evaluate the performance

accuracy = sum(predictions == y_test) / numel(y_test);

disp(['Test Accuracy: ', num2str(accuracy * 100), '%']);

% Assuming you have a trained neural network 'net' and test data X_test, y_test

% Test the neural network

y_pred = round(net(X_test')');

% Evaluate the performance

accuracy = sum(y_pred == y_test) / numel(y_test);

fprintf('Test Accuracy: %.2f%%\n', accuracy * 100);

% Assuming you have a dataset with features (X) and labels (y)

% Replace this with your actual data loading process

% Sample data (replace this with your actual data)

rng(42);  % For reproducibility

X = randn(100, 10);  % Replace with your feature data

y = randi([0, 1], 100, 1);  % Replace with your label data (0 or 1 for binary classification)

% Split the data into training and testing sets

train_ratio = 0.8;

num_samples = size(X, 1);

num_train_samples = round(train_ratio * num_samples);

idx = randperm(num_samples);

X_train = X(idx(1:num_train_samples), :);

y_train = y(idx(1:num_train_samples));

X_test = X(idx(num_train_samples+1:end), :);

y_test = y(idx(num_train_samples+1:end));

% Define the neural network architecture

hiddenLayerSize = 64;

net = feedforwardnet(hiddenLayerSize, 'trainlm');  % 'trainlm' is the Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation algorithm

% Train the neural network

net = train(net, X_train', y_train');

% Test the neural network

y_pred = round(net(X_test')');

% Evaluate the performance

conf_matrix = confusionmat(y_test, y_pred);

accuracy = sum(diag(conf_matrix)) / sum(conf_matrix(:));

% Print the results

fprintf('Confusion Matrix:\n');


fprintf('Test Accuracy: %.2f%%\n', accuracy * 100);

fprintf('Accuracy: %.2f%%\n', accuracy * 100);