-I have participated in a follow up - seminar  in Seed-Technology  , in 1996 in ICARDA , the International Organization for Agriculture in the Dry Areas in Syria - Aleppo and I was representing research centers in the Republic of Iraq  with a special research in English presentation  about  registering and adopting two cultivars of wheat which suitable for arid zone in Iraq . 1

- I was accepted in graduate studies in 1997 to complete a Masters degree in the Faculty of Agriculture - University of Baghdad in Field crops department  has completed  my thesis in titled ( Effect of harvest dates in the Yield and quality of some rice cultivars  Oryza  sativa L.) in 2000 and with honors.


-  Participated in a workshop on the development of agriculture in Iraq, ICARDA, the International Organization for Agriculture in the Dry Areas in Syria - Aleppo in conjunction with experts and academics of the American and Iraqi researchers for the period of (23 -26 / 5 / 2010).

- Participated in a training course on the maintenance of varieties and post-harvest  operations in the production of seeds for the period (26,May 2010) until  24 June, 2010  at  ICARDA, the International Organization for Agriculture in the Dry Areas in Syria - Aleppo.

-Participated in many special training courses in the area of ​​jurisdiction within Iraq, especially in the production of seeds.


-I have a good experience and acquaintance in using computers ,  the internet  and e-mails through joining several courses in using computer programs and Internet  in my center and through  practice in the field of scientific research in my specialization and my profession .