World History

About this class

This course is designed to introduce students to the major themes throughout world history. This class will teach students how the past connects with the future. Students will learn how to investigate historical questions through reading strategies such as sourcing, contextualizing, corroborating, and close reading. It will begin with an in-depth look at early civilizations and their impact on societies and proceed using the themes of geography, technology, religion, economics and historical eras throughout the year.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will be used for this class. Please use the site to access all materials. The site is designed to streamline the sharing of class documents. All materials must be submitted through Google Classroom as a doc not a PDF unless otherwise stated.

Google Classroom tips and guides:

Google Classroom Help

Google Classroom Cheatsheet

What to expect:

  • I will post assignment details through Google Classroom.

  • Grades will be updated on a regular basis through Infinite Campus

Need extra help?

  • Send me an email or come see me to set up a time please.